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An Improved Process for Retort Cooking Atlantic Blue Crab

Non-uniform steam distribution and large temperature differences are frequently found within the retort during pressure steam cooking of blue crabs. A precook treatment involving evacuation of air from the retort prior to introduction of steam was found to decrease this unevenness in temperature distribution. The conventional and modified treatments were compared by (1) determination of temperature profiles within a retort during the conventional cooking process and the modified process; and (2) testing the resulting product from the two processing methods for differences in meat moisture and pH. The modified process improved the temperature distribution and reduced cook time by up to 50%. Meat moisture content increased in crabs processed using the vacuum process while pH testing of the cooked meat showed little difference in meat from the two processes. It was concluded that the improved temperature distribution would shorten cook time and increase throughput, product yield, product safety, and process efficiency.
Keywords:Seafood  blue crab  thermal processing
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