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Apparent Problems and Potential Solutions for Production of Fingerling Striped Bass,Morone saxatilis
Abstract:Data on production of fingerling striped bass, Morone saxatilis, in 103 ponds at 17 hatcheries in 1988 were related to information on management practices and water qualities. Production was highly variable, with a median of 50,000/ha. No survival was evident in 12% of ponds; numbers harvested exceeded 250,000/ ha in 5% of ponds. Best survival resulted when larvae were stocked within 2 days after pond filling was started and at hatcheries with relatively low application rates of fertilizers during the prestocking interval. No survival was evident in ponds with pH >9.0 in the week after stocking. High pH's and probably toxic concentrations of un-ionized ammonia were related to water being in ponds for too long prior to stocking and to high applications of fertilizers. Examination of samples of larvae collected at stocking and the week after stocking documented a problem with swim bladder inflation. When larvae were stocked at D5 or D6 (Dl is day of hatch), inflation success averaged 91%: when stocked at ≥D7. inflation success averaged 60%. Measures proposed to improve production include: (1) Stock larvae prior to the critical period of swim bladder inflation(D4-D5). (2) Start filling ponds as close to stocking as is feasible (filling can be completed after stocking). (3) If the concentration of available nitrogen is low, apply no more than 300 µg/L of nitrogen in the prestocking interval. (4) Add phosphorus as needed, but avoid pH>8.5 until larvae are D14.
Keywords:Pacu  Piaractus mesopotamicus  fish protein hydrolysate  larvae  diets
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