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The anti-proteolytic activity of blood and ovarian follicular fluid in sheep after stimulation with serum gonadotropin (PMSG) and administration of Antisergon]
Authors:M Molnárová  J Arendarcik  T Mészárosová
Affiliation:Vysoká skola veterinárska, Kosice.
Abstract:The synthesis and secretion of trypsin (trypsin model serine protease) inhibitors are regulated in ovarian follicles by gonadotropins. The superovulation stimulations with 400 IU FSH, 1000 IU PMSG, 1000 IU HCG, 750 IIU PMSG + 750 IU HCG influence in a different way the trypsin inhibiting activities (TIA) of blood plasma (BP) (Figs 1 and 2) and follicular fluid (fig. 3); this points to a possibility of local effects. An increase in the average values of TIA in BP was statistically significant during the whole experiment: P less than 0.05 to P less than 0.001 (following the administration of PMSG+HCG, or PMSG, and HCG); Antisergon administered in 68 hours after PMSG reduced this increase. The changes in the fraction of low-molecular TIA in BP (after BP treatment with perchloric acid) were of converse nature; a decrease in the average values ranged from P less than 0.02 to P less than 0.001 (following PMSG or other stimulations). Antisergon did not influence this decrease. The changes observed on particular days of the trial (Figs. 1 and 2) also indicate different effects of the preparations, mainly of the component LH, which resulted in the occurrence of large nonovulating follicles (greater than 10 mm--"cystic" ones). No such follicles were observed in nonstimulated ewes and after FSH stimulation. The administration of antisergon (goat's antiserum against PMSG) 68 hours after PMSG administration did not prevent their creation. The TIA of follicular fluid (FF) of antral follicles was on average tenfold in comparison with that of blood plasma; and the TIA FF of follicles greater than 10 mm was higher (up to P less than 0.001) than the TIA FF of follicles less than 10 mm. The administration of Antisergon in shorter intervals following PMSG administration (12, 24, 48 and 58 hours) influenced the average values of TIA BP in 120 hours (since PMSG administration) in dependence on time (Tab. I). The effects of Antisergon administered in 12 and 24 hours after PMSG administration on the TIA BP were insignificant if it was administered in 48 and 58 hours the TIA BP increased (P less than 0.02; P less than 0.001) in comparison with the interval of 12 hours. The TIA FF of follicles less than 5 mm, 5-10 mm and greater than 10 mm varied in dependence on the time intervals of Antisergon administration (Fig. 4). The statistical significance of these changes in shown in Tab. II.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)
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