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Interannual differences in prey taken by capelin, herring, and red salmon relative to zooplankton abundance during the spring bloom in a southeast Alaskan embayment
Authors:K. O. COYLE  A. J. PAUL
Affiliation:Institute of Marine Science, School of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, U.S.A. 99775-1080
Abstract:Capelin, herring, and red salmon diets were examined in relation to zooplankton abundance and biomass in the water column and surface layer of Auke Bay, Alaska, during the spring bloom period, 1987 and 1988 (April through mid-June). Euphausiid eggs were the dominant prey of capelin in mid-May 1987. Pseu-docalanus spp. and barnacle nauplii dominated during the rest of the season. Capelin consumed Calanus spp. and Metridia spp. in April and Pseudocaknus and Cen-tropages abdominalis in May and June 1988. During May and June 1987, herring were eating primarily barnacle larvae and Oikopleura spp. During April 1988, herring consumed primarily Calanus spp. and barnacle nauplii. In late April and early May they shifted to Pseudocalanus and Thysanoessa raschii, and in late May and June they consumed Centropages abdominalis and barnacle cyprids. Outmigrating red salmon fry consumed primarily Oikopleura during both years, along with substantial quantities of barnacle larvae. These dietary changes roughly correspond with variations in the abundance of prey taxa in the plankton samples. Likelihood measures of niche breadth indicated that capelin sometimes consume prey in approximately equal proportions to its abundance. Niche overlap between the herring and capelin was greatest in April and early May. Niche overlap was also high between herring and red salmon during June, when herring were in shallow water to breed.
Keywords:herring    capelin    red salmon    diets    zooplankton abundance    zooplankton biomass
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