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引用本文:王升,黄玉清,丁亚丽,赵银军. 百色干热河谷地区降雨氢氧稳定同位素特征及芒果树水分来源研究[J]. 热带作物学报, 2023, 44(1): 122-132. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2023.01.013
作者姓名:王升  黄玉清  丁亚丽  赵银军
作者单位:1.广西百色国家农业科技园区管理委员会,广西百色 5336122.南宁师范大学北部湾环境演变与资源利用教育部重点实验室,广西南宁 5300013.清华大学地球系统科学系,北京 100084
摘    要:百色市右江河谷是我国著名的干热河谷之一,干旱是该地区最严重的气象灾害。芒果是该地区地理标志农产品,但其水分利用策略尚不清楚。本文基于氢氧稳定同位素示踪技术研究该地区降雨同位素特征及影响因素,利用多元线性混合模型方法量化不同来源水分对芒果树根系吸水的贡献比例,揭示芒果树生育期内水分利用策略。结果表明:(1)研究区氢氧稳定同位素具有明显的季节变化,δ值和氘盈余(d)具有旱季富集、雨季贫化的规律,建立了研究区的大气降水线方程:δD=8.2587δ18O+12.308,δD和δ18O值有极显著相关性(r=0.9968, n=35, P<0.001);(2)季风气候影响下大气降水稳定同位素值具有显著的降雨量效应和反温度效应(P<0.05);(3)在芒果花期、幼果期、果实膨大期和成熟期,土壤水氢氧稳定同位素总体上随土壤深度的增加而变贫;在花期和幼果期,芒果树对各层次土壤水分及地下水利用比例较为均匀,果树膨大期和成熟期则主要利用深层次土壤水及地下水,表明该地区芒果树主要以深层次土壤水及地下水为水源,说明芒果树更接近于保守型水分利用策略。降雨氢氧稳定同位素特征反映了该地区干热的气候特征,芒...

关 键 词:干热河谷  大气降雨  芒果  氢氧同位素  植物水分来源

Characteristics of Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopic of Precipitation and Water Use Strategy of Mango in Baise Dry-hot River Valley Region
WANG Sheng,HUANG Yuqing,DING Yali,ZHAO Yinjun. Characteristics of Stable Hydrogen and Oxygen Isotopic of Precipitation and Water Use Strategy of Mango in Baise Dry-hot River Valley Region[J]. Chinese Journal of Tropical Crops, 2023, 44(1): 122-132. DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-2561.2023.01.013
Authors:WANG Sheng  HUANG Yuqing  DING Yali  ZHAO Yinjun
Affiliation:1. Administration Committee of Baise National Agricultural Sci-tech Zone, Baise, Guangxi 533612, China2. Key Laboratory of Environment Change and Resources Use in Beibu Gulf (Nanning Normal University), Ministry of Education, Nanning, Guangxi 530001, China3. Department of Earth System Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Abstract:Youjiang River Valley in Baise is one of the famous dry and hot river valleys in China. Drought is the most serious meteorological disaster in the region. It has a unique suitable environment for mango and is the main mango producing area in China. However, the research on the water use strategy of Mango in Baise dry-hot river valley region is still lacking. Based on based on the measuring of hydrogen and oxygen stable isotope of precipitation, soil water at different layers, groundwater, and mango xylem water, the variation characteristics of hydrogen-oxygen isotope an its influencing factors of precipitation were analyzed, and the water absorption sources of mango roots at different growth stages were quantified. The hydrogen-oxygen stable isotopes and d-excess had obvious seasonal changes in the year, which were low in rainy season and high in dry season. The local meteoric water line was δD=8.2587δ18O+12.308 (r=0.9968, n=35, P<0.001) for the area. Under the influence of monsoon climate, the stable isotope value of precipitation had a significantly negative linear relationship with precipitation amounts and air temperature (P<0.05). During mango flowering stage, young fruit stage, fruit expansion stage, and mature stage, the stable isotopes of soil water became poor with the increase of soil depth. In the flowering stage and young fruit stage, mango trees used a relatively uniform proportion of soil water at different depths and groundwater, while in the expansion stage and maturity stage, mango trees mainly used deep soil water and groundwater, indicating that mango trees in this area mainly use deep soil water and groundwater as water sources, as mango trees’ roots are mainly distributed in deep layers, and reveals its conservative water use strategies. The variation of hydrogen-oxygen stable isotopes of precipitation indicates the xerothermic environment of Baise dry-hot river valley region, and mango mainly uses deeper soil water and groundwater, the above results are expected to provide a basis for the sustainable development of mango industry in this area.
Keywords:dry-hot river valley  precipitation  mango  stable hydrogen and oxygen isotope  plant water source  
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