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Water relations balance parameters of 30 woody species from Cerrado vegetation in the wet and dry season
Authors:Zhang Wenhui
Affiliation:(1) Northwest Forestry College, 712100 Shaanxi, P.R. China;(2) Carlos Henquire B. A. Prado Botanical Department, Federal University of Sao Carlos, C.P. 676, 13565-905 Sao Carlos, SP, Brazil
Abstract:The water relations balance parameters of plant tissue have been determined under field condition.They are the osmotic potentials at saturation (nsat), the osmotic potentials at the turgid loss point (ntlp), modulusof elasticity and the water saturation deficiency at turgid loss point (Wsdtlp) of 30 adult woody species fromCerrado vegetetion (neotropical savanna) in the wet and dry seasons of Brazil. And the changing patterns of Sevalues of each species have been compared and analyzed in different methods. The mean values of nsat, ntlp, and Wsdtlp of 30 species in the wet season were -2.11 MPa, -2.50 MPa, 19.66 MPa and 10.27 % respectively.Responding to water stress in the dry season, the values of nsat of 24 species, the ntlp and the of 17 speciesthe Wsdtpl of 6 species significantly went down or up comparing with those in the wet season (P < 0.05)- Only 3species had not changed their water parameters significantly any more. The mean values of nsat, ntlp, andWsdtlp of 30 species were adjusted to be -2.28 MPa, -2.84 MPa, 18.58 MPa and 8.19 % respectively. The species that have lower values on the mt have higher vaIues on e. Contrary, the specles that have higher valueson the nsat have lower values on . The special strategies of 30 Cerrado species have been divided. into 3 typesin Cluster Analysis Method. Every type has the distinct water balance mechanism and the parameter-adjustingpattern.
Keywords:Neotropical savanna   Osmotic potential   Modulus of elasticity   Wet and dry season  
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