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Isolation and classification of feline picornavirus and herpesvirus in Denmark
Authors:A Flagstad
Institution:Small Animal Clinic, Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark
Abstract:Seventeen viral isolates cytopathic for kitten kidney cells were isolated from 23 cats with symptoms of the respiratory disease feline viral rhinotracheitis or feline influenza. Five of these are classified tentatively as calicivirus, a member of the Picornavirus group, and 12 have the properties of the herpesvirus. Classification is based on the cytopathic effect in cell cultures and physico-chemical characteristics.The five isolates which are classified tentatively as calicivirus produced a quick cytopathic effect without formation of intranuclear inclusion bodies. The isolates were resistant to chloroform, were not inhibited by IDU, were labile at pH 4 and were not stabilized against thermal inactivation by molar MgCl2. The 12 isolates which seem to belong to the herpesvirus produced intranuclear inclusion bodies in cell cultures. They were sensitive to chloroform, and multiplication was inhibited by IDU. Antisera were produced by inoculating rabbits with calicivirus and cats with herpesvirus. The five isolates classified tentatively as calicivirus belong in one serotype, and the 12 isolates which seem to belong to the herpesvirus also belong in one serotype.Keyword: feline Picornavirus, feline calicivirus, feline herpesvirus, feline viral rhinotracheitis, feline influenza, isolation, classification, Denmark
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