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引用本文:郑雪芳,刘波,朱育菁,卢舒娴,蓝江林. 养猪发酵床垫料微生物及其猪细菌性病原群落动态的研究[J]. 农业环境与发展, 2016, 0(5): 425-432. DOI: 10.13254/j.jare.2016.0092
作者姓名:郑雪芳  刘波  朱育菁  卢舒娴  蓝江林
作者单位:福建省农业科学院农业生物资源研究所,福建 福州,350003
摘    要:微生物发酵床养猪是一种新型环保养殖技术。开展了微生物发酵床垫料微生物及其猪细菌性病原群落动态的研究,通过分离不同使用时间和层次基质垫层中的细菌、真菌和放线菌,分析微生物发酵床垫料微生物群落动态;分离基质垫料中大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌,研究其在发酵床垫料中的时间、空间分布动态,分析微生物发酵床对这两种病原细菌的抑制效果。结果表明,微生物发酵床中细菌分布数量最大,在各使用时间和层次的分布量均达到10~7 cfu·g~(-1)数量级以上,放线菌分布数量次之,真菌分布数量最小;细菌的分布数量呈现随着垫料使用时间的增加先上升后下降的趋势,而真菌和放线菌分布量随着垫料使用时间的增加而减少。基质垫料有一定量大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌的分布,分布数量与细菌呈显著的负相关,与真菌和放线菌呈显著正相关,在垫料使用的后期(使用5个月)比使用前期(使用1个月)分布数量明显减少,减少幅度分别为95.34%和44.41%,说明微生物发酵床对猪舍大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌病原能起到显著的抑制作用,控制由大肠杆菌和沙门氏菌病原引起的猪病害。

关 键 词:微生物  发酵床养猪  生物防治  大肠杆菌  沙门氏菌

Community Dynamic of Bacteria,Fungi, Actinomycetes and Pig Bacterial Pathogens in the Stroma Cushion of Pig-on-Litter System
Abstract:The pig-raising model with pig-on-litter system is novel and environmentally friend. The present paper dealt with biocontrol ef-fects of pig-on-litter system on the pig bacterial pathogens. The community dynamics of bacteria, fungi, actinomycetes were observed and the indicators of Escherichia coli and Salmonella enterica were isolated to clear the biocontrol effects of pig-on-litter system. Bacteria, fungi and actinomycetes from the four layers in the different periods of the stroma cushion were isolated by NA, PDA and Gause’s No.1 media, E. coli was separated by the method of eosin methylene blue(EMB)medium and S. enterica was isolated by the bismuth sulfite agar(BS)medium, indicating the microbiological community dynamic with biocontrol effects of pig-on litter system on the pig bacterial pathogens. The results showed that bacteria was the dominant, the distribution number reached 107 cfu·g-1. The community dynamics of bacteria first increased and then decreased. Compared with bacteria, the distribution of fungi and actinomycetes in the low number with 3~4 magnitude, and gradually decreased as the time increased. The amount of E. coli and S. enterica in the stoma cushion were significantly negatively correlated with the bacteria, positively correlated with fungi and actinomycetes. The pig-on-litter system could inhibit the growth of E. coli and S. enterica. The amount of E. coli and S. enterica were much more less in the five-months stroma cushion than that in the one-month stroma cushion with de-creasing rates of 95.34%and 44.41%respectively, revealed that the pig-on-litter system could play an important role on biogicontrol of E. coli and S. enterica in the piggery.
Keywords:microbial  pig-on-litter system  biocontrol  Escherichia coli  Salmonella enterica
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