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摘    要:中国林业科学研究院林产化学工业研究所(简称林化所)成立于1960年,为副司局级单位,是专业从事木质和非木质林产品化学加工与利用,集基础研究、应用研究、产品开发及工程设计为一体的综合性国家科研院所。拥有中国工程院院士、国际木材科学院院士等一批国内外专家。有博士、硕士培养点和博士后流动站。

关 键 词:林产化学工业  中国工程院院士  非木质林产品  硕士培养  产品开发  科研院所  加工与利用  工程设计

Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products,Chinese Academy of Forestry
Abstract:Institute of Chemical Industry of Forest Products,CAF(ICIFP.CAF),founded in I960,is a comprehensive research organization that works on chemical processing and utilization of wood and non-wood forest products.Based On our Institute some R&D platforms,such as National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Forest ChemicaI Industry,National Engineering Research Center of Low-Carbon and Efficient Utilization of Forestry Biomass.
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