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摘    要:【目的】探明微润灌条件下温室番茄适宜的水头压力,提高水分利用效率。【方法】以滴灌灌溉为对照(CK),设置水头压力1 m(T_1)、1.5 m(T_2)、2 m(T_3)、2.5 m(T_4)4种试验处理,研究了微润灌条件下不同水头压力对土壤水分分布、番茄生长、耗水规律、产量及水分利用效率的影响。【结果】微润灌水头压力显著影响土壤含水率和湿润区范围,与滴灌处理相比,微润灌处理土壤含水率始终处于较高状态,形成持续稳定的水分环境;T_1、T_2、T_3、T_4处理定植100 d的土壤含水率较定植20 d的下降24.9%、21.54%、19.18%和16.93%,水头压力越高,下降幅度越小,土壤水分环境越稳定;定植初期,滴灌土壤水分环境对植株生长有利,番茄生长较好,随着生育期的延长,微润灌地埋优势充分发挥,后期微润灌番茄生长明显优于滴灌处理;在整个生育期内,番茄株高及茎粗的生长量、生长速率均随着水头压力的提高逐渐增大;番茄在开花坐果期和结果盛期耗水量较大,苗期和结果末期耗水量相对较低,全生育期T_1、T_2、T_3、T_4处理耗水量分别为192.3、216.4、235.8、262.3 mm,水头压力越高,耗水量越大;各处理水分利用效率表现为CK
关 键 词:微润灌  水头压力  土壤水分  番茄  水分利用效率  温室

The Effects of Water Pressure in the Micro-tube on Growth and Water Use Efficiency of Greenhouse Tomato under Micro-tube Irrigation
Affiliation:,College of Water Resource and Architectural Engineering, Tarim University,Key Laboratory of Modern Agricultural Engineering, Tarim University
Abstract:【Conclusion】Micro-tube irrigation is a technique used in greenhouse irrigation, and the aim of this paper is to investigate the impact of water pressure in the micro-tube on growth and water use efficiency of greenhouse tomato.【Method】We examined four pressures: 1 m(T_1), 1.5 m(T_2), 2 m(T_3) and 2.5 m(T_4), and compared them with standard drip irrigation(CK). For each pressure, we measured soil moisture distribution, tomato growth and yield, as well as water consumption and water use efficiency of the crop.【Result】The pressure significantly affected soil moisture content and the size of the wetting zone. Soil moisture content under micro-tube irrigation was higher than that under CK, forming a continuous and stable water environment for crop to grow. The drying rate of soil moisture increased inversely with the pressure. For example, 100 days after irrigation, the soil moisture associated with T_1, T_2, T_3 and T_4 decreased by 24.9%, 21.54%, 19.18% and 16.93% respectively, compared to those after 20 days; increasing the pressure improved soil water stability. The standard drip irrigation worked better for plant growth during its early stage, whereas as plant grew, the micro-tube irrigation edged ahead. Growth rate, height and stem diameter of the plant were all proportional to the pressure. Water consumption during flowering and fruiting stage was higher than at seedling and harvest stages. During the whole growing season, water consumption under T_1, T_2, T_3 and T_4 was 192.3, 216.4, 235.8, 262.3 mm, respectively, with their water use efficiency ranked in CK
Keywords:micro-irrigation  head pressure  soil moisture  tomato  water use efficiency  greenhouse
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