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摘    要:【目的】探明插入式地下滴灌和地表滴灌条件下,不同灌水下限对温室新乡糙青茄(Solanum melongena L.)的生长、耗水特性及产量的影响。【方法】试验设置2种灌溉方式:插入式地下滴灌(SDI-R)、地表滴灌(DI)。灌水下限设置4个水平:开花坐果期60%θF、成熟采摘期60%θF(F60M60);开花坐果期60%θF、成熟采摘期70%θF(F60M70);开花坐果期70%θF、成熟采摘期60%θF(F70M60);开花坐果期70%θF、成熟采摘期70%θF(F70M70),处理简称为T1(DI,F60M60)、T2(SDI-R,F60M60)、T3(DI,F60M70)、T4(SDI-R,F60M70)、T5(DI,F70M60)、T6(SDI-R,F70M60)、T7(DI,F70M70)、T8(SDI-R,F70M70)。研究了不同处理对温室青茄的株高、根干物质、产量、耗水特性及水分利用效率的影响。【结果】SDI-R处理的青茄株高和总根干质量均高于DI处理的;SDI-R处理的总耗水量和各生育阶段的耗水量均小于DI处理的,2种灌水方式中T7处理和T8处理总耗水量最大,分别为338.09 mm和331.25mm,4种灌水下限下,DI处理较SDI-R处理分别高2.06%~16.67%;SDI-R灌水方式中的T4处理的产量和水分利用效率最大,分别为56 046.30 kg/hm~2和20.43 kg/m3,DI条件下T7处理的产量和水分利用效率最高,分别为51 546.30kg/hm~2和15.24 kg/m3,T4处理显著高于T7处理(P<0.05)。【结论】插入式地下滴灌相对于地表滴灌能达到增产节水的目的,且插入式地下滴灌开花坐果期和成熟采摘期的灌水下限宜分别设为田间持水率的60%和70%。

关 键 词:滴灌  灌水下限  生长特性  耗水量  产量

Effects of Critical Soil Moistures for Different Drip Irrigations on Growth,Water Consumption and Yield of Greenhouse Green Eggplant
Affiliation:,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences Farmland Irrigation Research Institute/Key Laboratory of Water-saving Agriculture Project of Ministry of Agriculture,Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Abstract:【Objective】The critical moisture for irrigation is a parameter in determining irrigation schedule, and this paper studies its effect on growth, water consumption and yield of greenhouse eggplant under surface drip irrigation and plug-in subsurface drip irrigation.【Method】The plug-in subsurface drip irrigation was to insert the emitter into the root zone(SDI-R) and the surface drip irrigation was to drip water over the soil surface(DI). We examined four critical soil moisture: 60% of the field capacity(θF) at flowering/fruit-setting stage and 60% of θF at maturing stage(F60 M60), 60% of θFat flowering/fruit-setting stage and 70% of θFat maturing stage(F60 M70), 70% of θFat flowering/fruit-setting stage and 60% of θFat maturing stage(F70 M60), 70% of θFat flowering/fruit-setting stage and 70% of θFat maturing stage(F70 M70). In each treatment, we measured plant height, root dry matter, yield, water consumption and water use efficiency.【Result】Both plant height and total dry root mass were higher under SDI-R than under DI, and the total water consumption and water consumption during each growth stage were lower under SDI-R than under DI. The maximum total water consumption under DI + F70 M70 and SDI-R + F70 M70 was 338.09 mm and 331.25 mm respectively, lower than under other treatments. Under the four critical soil moistures, the water consumption under DI was 2.06% to 16.67%, higher than those under SDI-R. SDI-R + F60 M70 gave the highest yield and water use efficiency at 56 046.30 kg/hm~2 and20.43 kg/m3 respectively. Under DI, the yield under F70 M70 was 51 546.30 kg/hm~2, with the highest water use efficiency of 15.24 kg/m3.【Conclusion】Plug-in subsurface drip irrigation increased yield and water use efficiency compared to surface drip irrigation in all treatments, especially when the critical moisture at flowering/fruit-setting stage was 60% of θFand at maturing stage was 70% of θF.
Keywords:drip irrigation  critical soil moisture  plant growth  water consumption  yield
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