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摘    要:【目的】研究拔节期淹水与不同施氮量对春玉米生长和产量的影响。【方法】通过田间试验,选用春玉米宜单9号为试验材料,两因素裂区试验设计,主处理为土壤水分状况,包括正常供水和拔节期淹水6 d(保持水层3~5cm),副处理为5个氮肥水平,施氮量(以纯N计)分别为0、90、180、270和360 kg/hm~2。测定春玉米株高、叶面积和成熟期籽粒产量及其构成。【结果】施纯氮在0~270 kg/hm~2,拔节期淹水条件下施氮量增加时春玉米大喇叭口至乳熟期叶面积指数(LAI)、株高、穗长、穗行数、行粒数、千粒质量和籽粒产量均增加,施氮量进一步增加时上述指标增加不明显。而秃尖长随施氮量的增加而减小。与不施氮相比,拔节期淹水下施氮量90、180、270和360 kg/hm~2的春玉米产量分别增加20.21%、31.86%、52.55%和57.03%;增幅高于正常供水的相应值。【结论】施氮量为0~270kg/hm~2,拔节期淹水胁迫下施氮有利于促进春玉米生长并提高产量。

关 键 词:春玉米  淹水  施氮量  叶面积指数  产量

Interactive Effects of Nitrogen Rate and Waterlogging at the Jointing Stage on Growth and Yield of Spring Maize
Affiliation:,College of Agronomy, Yangtze University,Hubei Collaborative Innovation Center for Grain Industry,Agro-meteorological Experimental Station of Jingzhou City
Abstract:【Objective】Effect of nitrogen(N) rate on growth and yield of spring maize under waterlogging at jointing stage were investigated.【Method】A field experiment was conducted using a local major maize cultivar of Yidan 9. A split-plot experiment was designed; the main plot was water status, which included normal water supply and waterlogging for 6 days with 3~5 cm layer of water at the surface of soil during jointing stage of maize.The subplot was N rate, which included 0, 90, 180, 270, and 360 kg/hm~2. Plant height, leaf area index(LAI), grain yield and its components of maize were measured.【Result】LAI and plant height during joint to milk stage, ear length, row numbers per ear, kernels per row, 1000-kernel weight and grain yield were significantly increased with the increase in N rate of 0 to 270 kg/hm~2, there was a very limited increasement when further increase of N rate for the above values. However, bare tip length was decreased with the increase in N rate. Compared to 0 kg/hm~2, grain yield was significantly increased by 90, 180, 270 and 360 kg/hm~2 under waterlogging at jointing stage,the increased percentage was 20.21%, 31.86%, 52.55% and 57.03%, respectively; the increased percentage were greater than those of normal water supply.【Conclusion】Increase nitrogen rates(0~270 kg/hm~2) was conducive to improve growth and development as well as grain yield of spring maize under waterlogging stress at joint stage.
Keywords:spring maize  waterlogging  nitrogen rate  leaf area index  grain yield
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