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摘    要:【目的】为长江中下游地区地区性防涝排涝部署提供依据。【方法】基于1971─2012年长江中下游地区426个气象站点逐日降水资料,通过分析洪涝发生频率、洪涝强度和洪涝发生站次比,研究了长江中下游地区年度洪涝灾害时空分布特征和覆盖水稻关键生育期洪涝灾害时空演变特征。【结果】研究区中度、重度洪涝发生频率所占比最大,中度洪涝发生频率主要集中在湖北、湖南、江西、浙江;重度洪涝发生频率集中在湖南、江西、浙江;特涝发生频率集中在安徽北部与江苏。同时,1971─2012年间研究区域洪涝发生影响范围总体年际尺度变化不明显,洪涝强度20世纪90年代最强,但整体有降低趋势。从研究区水稻物候期来看,影响范围最广强度最大集中发生在7─8月,早稻与一季稻分别处于灌浆成熟期与拔节孕穗期。【结论】在研究区域加强农业气象监测密度,重点可在研究区内(安徽北部、江苏、湖南、江西、浙江)早稻进入灌浆期与一季稻拔节孕穗期前期进行水利设施建设,依靠研究区地势特点与农田生态自身环境稳定性,预防和排除水稻洪涝灾害。

关 键 词:水稻  洪涝  时空分布特征  长江中下游地区

Spatiotemporal Distribution of Flooding Events at Paddy Fields in the Middle-low Reaches of the Yangtze River
Affiliation:,Institute of Urban Meteorology,CMA,Beijing Municipal Climate Center,Fujian Meteorological Service Center,Henan Agricultural university,Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences
Abstract:【Objective】Waterlogging and flooding are natural hazards facing agricultural production, and understanding their spatiotemporal distribution is critical to safeguarding food production.【Method】Taking middle-low reach of Yangtze River basin as an example, this paper studied the spatiotemporal distribution of waterlogging/flooding occurring at the key growing stage of rice in 1971—2012. Using data measured from 426 weather stations, we analyzed the frequency and intensity of the flooding, as well as the season it occurred.【Result】During the studied period, most waterlogging/flooding were at moderate to severe level, with the moderate occurring mainly in Hubei, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang province, and the sever in Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang. Catastrophic flooding occurred in Anhui and Jiangsu. Overall, inter-annual flooding did not show significant difference despite a slight increase in the 1990 s followed by a decease. Between July to August, early rice was at filling stage and the later rice was at jointing stage, occurrence of flooding in this period could have a devastating impact on rice growth.【Conclusion】More weather data are needed for northern Anhui, Jiangsu, Hunan, Jiangxi and Zhejiang when the early rice was at its filling stage and the second rice was at its jointing-booting stage. Drainage facilities need renovation in order to ameliorate flooding.
Keywords:rice  flood disaster  temporal and spatial distribution characteristics  the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River
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