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引用本文:孟凡乔,肖斐雯,孙向平,焦子伟,依力汉木,陈勇,吴文良,郭岩彬. 新疆伊犁河流域有机产业发展潜力分析[J]. 新疆农业科学, 2010, 47(10): 2037
作者姓名:孟凡乔  肖斐雯  孙向平  焦子伟  依力汉木  陈勇  吴文良  郭岩彬
摘    要:[目的]分析新疆伊犁河流域发展有机农业的必要性.[方法]采用资料收集和农户调查的方法.作为新疆重要的经济区,伊犁河流域面临着发展农牧业经济和保护生态环境的双重挑战.(1)优良的光热水土资源,非常适合各类作物生长和畜牧业发展.当地污染少,环境质量优良,生产有机和绿色农产品具有环境优势.(2)区域地缘优势突出,有利于开拓中亚市场.(3)在伊犁河水土资源开发的过程中,由于其自然生态条件较为脆弱,土地退化和质量降低、面源污染的风险较大,水土资源开发过程中发展有机农业就显得尤为重要,但对于有机农业的发展规模,则需要从资源条件、肥料等生产资料投入、技术水平以及市场规模等方面进行综合分析和多目标规划.而且有机农业的发展规划是一个动态过程,需要根据社会和经济发展进行调整.[结果]在伊犁河流域发展有机农业,应该(1)调整作物种植结构,实现土地的种养结合.(2)根据规划将新开垦土地数量控制在合理水平,并通过工程和生物措施,降低和避免水土流失、土壤盐碱化,提高水资源利用效率.(3)采取措施,保护天然草场和草地资源,减少由于草地改变引起的土地沙化和退化.(4)在保证畜牧业生产草场肥力和质量的前提下,可以适度利用放牧牲畜粪便进行种植业生产.(5)延长有机产品链条,开发和应用有机加工技术,增加有机产品附加值.加强生产、流通、科研、服务之间的联合,提高农民的组织化水平,确保有机农产品的质量得到保证.拓宽有机产品的营销渠道,培训和提升有机营销能力.

关 键 词:伊犁  水土资源  开发  有机农业  中亚市场

Analysis on Development Potentiality of Organic Industry in Ili River Valley of Xinjiang
MENG Fan-qiao,XIAO Fei-wen,SUN Xiang-ping,JIAO Zi-wei,Yilihanmu,CHEN Yong,WU Wen-liang,GUO Yan-bin. Analysis on Development Potentiality of Organic Industry in Ili River Valley of Xinjiang[J]. Xinjiang Agricultural Sciences, 2010, 47(10): 2037
Authors:MENG Fan-qiao  XIAO Fei-wen  SUN Xiang-ping  JIAO Zi-wei  Yilihanmu  CHEN Yong  WU Wen-liang  GUO Yan-bin
Abstract:The research analyzes the conditions and capacity for organic agricultural development in Ili valley of Xinjiang based on data collection and peasant household survey.It indicated that as one of the most important economic region in Xinjiang,Ili has to faces the challenges of developing its rural economy and protection of environment.On the one hand,suitable solar,heat,water and land resources are suitable for farming and animal husbandry.In the process of water and soil development in Ili River Valley,soil degenerated and its quality decreased because of the fraglier natural ecological conditions,based on organic agricultural development scale,the resource condition and fertilizer and means of production,and technical levels and market scale need to be analyzed and planed.【Result】The crop planting structure should be rgeulated in Ili River Valley.The newly reclaimed land were controlled by the planting.Water and soil were avoided to be lossed to be demaged by salinization of soil and water resources utilization rate were increased.Different measures were operated to protect natural meadow and grass resources to decrease farmland derestification.
Keywords:Ili  water and soil resources  development  organic sector  middle Asian market
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