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Factor analysis of the interrelationships between clinical variables in horses with colic
Authors:Thoefner M B  Ersbøll A K  Jensen A L  Hesselholt M
Affiliation:Department of Large Animal Surgery, University of Copenhagen, Bülowsvej 17, DK-1870 Frederiksberg C, Denmark. thoefner@post10.tele.dk
Abstract:A prospective survey of horses with colic referred to the Large Animal Hospital at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University of Copenhagen, Denmark, was undertaken between August 1994 and December 1997. The interrelationships between 17 clinical variables were analysed using factor analysis. Factor analysis uncovers the structure of the variability in data and therefore detects multicollinearity. A total of 528 horses were admitted in the study period. Of these, 16 were excluded from the analysis as a result of miscellaneous conditions. Only 205 horses had observations for all 17 variables. Because no major change occurred in the main diagnostic categories, this population was considered as a representative subset. Factor analysis confirmed the clinical impression of correlation between variables, but the multicollinearity turned out not to be strong. Four factors were extracted, and these accounted for 51% of the total variance. The retained factors were interpreted by integrating previously reported clinical research. The first factor, which was interpreted as endotoxaemia, had high loadings on capillary refill time, mucous-membrane colour, degree of pain, heart rate, packed-cell volume and abdominal sounds. In the second factor, cecal decompression, admission month and gastric reflux had the predominant influence, and this factor was explained as cecal tympany. The third factor was simply interpreted as age because it had high loadings on gender, age and temperature. In the fourth factor, the interpretation was not straightforward, although breed had the greatest influence in the formation of this factor. Subsequently, the extracted factors were used in a logistic-regression analysis to determine their association with outcome (survival/death). The two factors interpreted as endotoxaemia and age were related to the outcome.
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