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引用本文:张磊,孔丽丽,侯云鹏,尹彩侠,赵胤凯,刘志全,徐新朋. 实现黑土玉米高产和养分高效的控释氮肥与尿素掺混比例[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2022, 28(12): 2201-2213. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2022179
作者姓名:张磊  孔丽丽  侯云鹏  尹彩侠  赵胤凯  刘志全  徐新朋
作者单位:1.农业农村部东北植物营养与农业环境重点实验室 / 吉林省农业科学院农业资源与环境研究所,吉林长春 130033
摘    要:【目的】控释氮肥与普通尿素配合施用是东北黑土区实现轻简化施肥的有效技术途径之一。研究控释氮肥与普通尿素适宜的掺混比例,以实现氮肥一次性施用获得高产高效和可持续利用。【方法】于2017—2019年在吉林省公主岭市,以玉米品种‘富民108’为试材,在施N 210 kg/hm2条件下,共设置6个普通尿素与控释氮肥掺混比例处理,分别为:10∶0 (RU)、8∶2 (CRU20%)、6∶4 (CRU40%)、4∶6 (CRU60%)、2∶8(CRU80%)、0∶10 (CRU100%),并以不施氮肥(N0)为对照。于玉米主要生育期调查植株生物量、氮含量和土壤无机氮含量,并于成熟期测定产量及其构成因素,计算作物氮积累量、氮素利用率和土壤-作物系统氮素平衡状况。【结果】控释氮肥与普通尿素掺混各处理玉米穗粒数和百粒重均高于RU处理,显著提高了玉米产量(P<0.05),其中以CRU60%处理增幅最高,3年平均产量提高了17.3%。与RU处理相比,控释氮肥与普通尿素掺混显著提高了玉米开花期至成熟期土壤无机氮含量,增加了开花期至成熟期氮素积累及其占总生育期氮素积累比例,进而提高了...

关 键 词:玉米  黑土  控释氮肥  掺混比例  增产量  氮素利用率  氮素表观损失量

Optimum application ratio of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer and urea for high maize yield and nutrient efficiency in black soil
ZHANG Lei,KONG Li-li,HOU Yun-peng,YIN Cai-xia,ZHAO Yin-kai,LIU Zhi-quan,XU Xin-peng. Optimum application ratio of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer and urea for high maize yield and nutrient efficiency in black soil[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2022, 28(12): 2201-2213. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.2022179
Authors:ZHANG Lei  KONG Li-li  HOU Yun-peng  YIN Cai-xia  ZHAO Yin-kai  LIU Zhi-quan  XU Xin-peng
Affiliation:1.Key Laboratory of Plant Nutrition and Agro-Environment in Northeast Region, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs, China / Institute of Agricultural Resources and Environment, Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Changchun, Jilin 130033, China
Abstract:  【Objectives】  The efficient application of controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer (CRU) requires a certain ratio of common urea (RU) to meet the whole crop's N requirement across the stages of growth. Here, we studied the optimum blending ratio of CRU and RU for high maize yield and nutrient efficiency in the black soil of Northeast China.  【Methods】  A site-specific field experiment was conducted in Gongzhuling City of Jilin Province from 2017 to 2019, with maize ‘Fumin108’ as the experimental material. Under the same total N input of 210 kg/hm2, six application ratio treatments of RU to CRU were designed, including 10∶0 (RU), 8∶2 (CRU20%), 6∶4 (CRU40%), 4∶6 (CRU60%), 2∶8 (CRU80%), 0∶10 (CRU100%), and no N fertilizer application was used as control (N0). The plant biomass, N content, and soil inorganic N content were investigated at the main growth stages of maize, and the yield and yield components were measured at maturity. The crop N accumulation, N use efficiency, and N balance of the soil-crop system were calculated.  【Results】  CRU60% and RU recorded the highest and lowest kernel number per ear and 100-kernel weight of maize, respectively. The yield of CRU60% was 17.3% higher than RU. Compared with RU, all the other fertilization treatments (P<0.05) increased soil inorganic N content from the flowering stage, increased N accumulation at the flowering stage and its proportion in the total N accumulation. This led to an improved contribution of post-flowering N accumulation to grain N in maize. The N recovery efficiency (REN), agronomic efficiency (AEN), and partial factor productivity (PFPN) reached a peak in CRU60%, which were 36.1%, 66.9%, and 17.3% higher than RU, respectively. The apparent N loss decreased first and then increased with an increase in CRU ratio, with the lowest value recorded in CRU60%, 28.8% lower than RU. The CRU ratio equation was fitted with yield, N use efficiency, soil inorganic N, and apparent N loss to obtain a theoretical yield of 11059 kg/hm2 at CRU 63.4%. Under this CRU ratio, the REN, AEN, PFPN, soil inorganic N, and accumulated N loss were 42.4%, 17.1 kg/kg, 53.2 kg/kg, 20.8 mg/kg, and 223.1 kg/hm2, respectively, with all the values similar to those recorded for CRU 60%. The suitable CRU ratio was calculated as 61%?67% using a 95% theoretical optimum CRU ratio as the confidence interval.  【Conclusions】  In the black soil of Northeast China, the common application of 60% CRU and 40% common urea showed the best result. The combination increased soil inorganic N supply capacity. It promoted maize N uptake at the flowering stage, improving maize yield and N use efficiency and reducing soil apparent N loss.
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