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引用本文:路贵龙,张凯,土旦吉热,李艳峰. 西藏苹果研究进展与展望[J]. 农学学报, 2019, 9(1): 30-34. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas18010010
作者姓名:路贵龙  张凯  土旦吉热  李艳峰
基金项目:农业部公益性行业(农业)科研专项“西藏非耕地农业利用技术集成及产业化示范”(201303093);高原特色农作物新品种选育“拉萨果树引 种试验”[藏科发(2015)216 号];西藏自治区农牧科学院蔬菜研究所青年成长基金“套袋对拉萨苹果品质的影响”(SCS201503)。
摘    要:西藏是我国气候资源最多样与果树资源最为丰富的区域之一,地域辽阔,地貌大致可分为喜马拉雅山区、藏北高原、藏南谷地和藏东高山峡谷区四区。目前西藏苹果的种植区域主要集中在藏南谷地和藏东高山峡谷区的山南、林芝、昌都等地海拔1500-4180 m范围内的温暖半湿润、温暖半干旱气候区。西藏苹果栽培历史较长,然而由于地域差异、社会经济、劳动力素质、农业生产力等制约,本区苹果产业还比较滞后,各地发展也很不平衡;存在对苹果砧木资源研究和利用较少,引入品种较单一、结构不合理,果树科技人才紧缺、推广服务体系不完善,地域特色不明显、缺少高原特色苹果品牌等问题。面对现状,要改变西藏苹果产业的窘境,笔者建议应重视砧木在苹果生产中的作用,加快本区优良砧木的选育;加大苹果新品种引入和选育力度,加强优质苹果栽培技术推广;制定产业发展规划,合理调整区域布局;充分利用与发挥西藏独特资源优势,培育地方特色苹果新品种。

关 键 词:土地资源管理  土地资源管理  人口超载  土地人口承载力模型  粮食产量  鹤壁市  

Research Progress of Apple in Tibet
Abstract:Tibet has diversified climate resources and abundant fruit tree resources. This region is roughly divided into 4 areas according to its terrain and climate characteristics. This paper studies the current main apple planting areas in Tibet, summarizes apple tree planting history and status in the region, and analyzes the reasons for its inadequate development, including less research and utilization of apple rootstock resources, undiversified introduction varieties, unreasonable industry structure, the shortage of professional talents, imperfect extension service system, undistinguished regional characteristics and lacking highland characteristic apple brand. The authors suggest that in apple production in Tibet, attention should be paid to the effect of rootstock in apple production, the breeding of good stock, the introduction and breeding of newvarieties and the promotion of high quality apple cultivation techniques, as well as the design of industrial development plan, the adjustment of regional industrial layout, the full use of unique resource of Tibet and the cultivation of new varieties.
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