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对依托品牌农业会展打造农业总部基地的思考 ——以北京打造丰台种业总部基地为例
引用本文:马俊哲. 对依托品牌农业会展打造农业总部基地的思考 ——以北京打造丰台种业总部基地为例[J]. 中国农学通报, 2012, 28(17): 181-186
摘    要:为了充分有效地利用城乡优势资源发展现代农业特别是现代种业,运用总部经济的发展理念,并借助具有20年历史和影响的北京种子大会的品牌效应,打造丰台种业总部基地,形成企业内部在空间上分离且耦合的总部种业发展模式,以加快北京的种业之都建设。研究表明:依托北京种子大会品牌打造丰台种业总部基地发展总部种业的有利条件多于不利条件的,而且许多不利条件都可以通过自身努力转化为有利条件,如种业企业规模小、入驻成本高、种子生产销售区域性强等,都可以通过引导种业企业购并、改善经营管理和进一步扩大展会影响面等予以克服和消化。目前,应从尽快明确丰台种业总部基地的区域范围和功能定位、培育龙头企业、引进种业企业总部入驻、加大扶持力度等方面入手,以加快丰台种业总部基地的发展。

关 键 词:农业会展  总部农业  总部种业  种业总部基地  SWOT分析  发展思路

Thought on Establishment of the Base of Agricultural Headquarters Rely on the Brand-agriculture Exhibition——Case Study on Seeds Industry Headquarter Bases in Fengtai District
Ma Junzhe. Thought on Establishment of the Base of Agricultural Headquarters Rely on the Brand-agriculture Exhibition——Case Study on Seeds Industry Headquarter Bases in Fengtai District[J]. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2012, 28(17): 181-186
Authors:Ma Junzhe
Affiliation:Ma Junzhe (Beijing Agricultural Vocation College, Beijing 100093)
Abstract:In order to use the superior resources of urban and rural areas to develop modern agriculture, especially the modern seeds industry, we should used the idea of headquarters economy and the influence of Beijing seeds congress brand effect, established seeds industry headquarter bases in Fengtai District, formed the model of seeds industry headquarter bases, so that we could accelerate the construction of the capital of seeds industry in Beijing. The results showed that compared with the disadvantages the advantages of rely on the brand effect of Beijing seeds congress to establish seeds industry headquarter bases in Fengtai district were more, and many disadvantages could turned into advantages by efforts, such as small scale of seeds enterprise, high cost of entering, strong regional of seeds production and sales, etc. These Problems could be solved by enterprise annexing, improving management and enlarging the influence of exhibition. In order to accelerate seeds industry headquarter bases in Fengtai District, we should pay attention to definite the regional range and function orientation of seeds industry headquarter bases in Fengtai District, develop leading enterprise, introduced the seeds enterprises headquarter, strengthen the power of policy support.
Keywords:agriculture exhibition  agricuhural headquarters  seeds industry headquarters  seeds industryheadquarter bases  SWOT analysis  development thought
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