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Aromatic-dependent Salmonella typhimurium as modified live vaccines for calves
Authors:B P Smith  M Reina-Guerra  S K Hoiseth  B A Stocker  F Habasha  E Johnson  F Merritt
Abstract:Strains of Salmonella sp with complete nonreverting aromatic biosynthesis (aro) defects are expected to be nonvirulent, in respect to invasive infection, because they need the aromatic metabolites paraaminobenzoate (for making folate) and dihydroxybenzoate (for making enterochelin) which are not available in host tissues. Derivatives with transposon-generated complete nonreverting aro-defects were prepared from 3 mouse-virulent strains of S typhimurium, namely, FIRN, WRAY, and UCD. The latter 2 parent strains originally were isolated from calves and are known to be calf-virulent. The resultant aromatic-dependent (aro-) strains were used to vaccinate 27 calves (2 to 3 weeks old), usually giving 2 doses by the IM route (10(9) bacteria) or orally (1.5 X 10(11)). Vaccination did not cause severe ill effects in any calf. Thus aro- defects cause loss of virulence for calves, as previously shown for mice. Vaccinated and control calves were challenge exposed, usually at 5 weeks of age, by feeding 1.5 X 10(11) cells of 1 of 2 calf-virulent S typhimurium strains, either UCD 108-11 or SL1323. Of the 16 challenge-exposed control calves, all became anorectic and depressed (CNS), and 15 had diarrhea. Fourteen of the 16 died; all tested tissues were bacteriologically culture-positive for Salmonella at necropsy. Vaccination with the live UCD aro- vaccine strain, SL1479 by either of 2 schedules (IM or orally) appeared effective.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
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