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Cyclical endometrial steroid hormone receptor expression and proliferation intensity in the mare
Authors:Aupperle H  Ozgen SSchoon H A  Schoon D  Hoppen H O  Sieme H  Tannapfel A
Affiliation:Institut für Veterin?r-Pathologie, Universit?t Leipzig, An der Tierkliniken, Germany.
Abstract:The aims of this study were to investigate the steroid hormone receptor expression and the proliferation intensity during the equine endometrial cycle by immunohistological methods, established for routine examination of formalin-fixed, paraplast-embedded specimens. Endometrial biopsy specimens were obtained during one cycle from 7 mares. In comparison with the blood steroid hormone levels the quantity and distribution of oestrogen (ER) and progesterone receptors (PR) and the proliferation marker Ki-67 antigen expression were investigated. Rising 17beta-oestradiol concentrations in preoestrus induce a synchronous expression of ER, PR and Ki-67 antigen in stromal cells. In the early dioestrus 17beta-oestradiol levels decrease and progesterone levels reach their maxima. This correlates with an intense proliferation activity and the highest hormone receptor expression in epithelial cells. In accordance to the morphological features of asynchronous glandular differentiation in fibrotic areas (endometrosis) their epithelial hormone receptor expression is out of phase.
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