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Einsatz der Pheromonverwirrungstechnik zur Regulierung der Rosskastanien-Miniermotte Cameraria ohridella Deschka u. Dimić (Lep.: Gracillariidae)
Authors:Gitta Siekmann  Rainer Meyhöfer  Martin Hommes
Institution:1. Institut für Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau, Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Messeweg 11–12, 38104, Braunschweig, Germany
2. Institut für Pflanzenkrankheiten und Pflanzenschutz, Leibnitz Universit?t Hannover, Herrenh?user Str. 2, 30419, Hannover, Germany
Abstract:The horse chestnut leafminer is an introduced invasive pest that every year causes extensive damage to the leaves of the white flowering horse chestnut tree. An environmentally friendly method to control insect pests involves the use of sex pheromones for mating disruption. A large quantity of artificial pheromone is released into the insect plant system confusing males to the extend that they are unable to locate receptive females. In order to test the potential efficacy of the mating disruption technique on the horse chestnut leafminer we set up semi-field trials with closed experimental units and varying leafminer densities. We counted the number of leaf mines on pheromone treated horse chestnut trees and compared them with an untreated control. Mating disruption lead to a significant reduction in damage by more than 90% in the first and second generation of the leafminer, irrespective of the initial leafminer density. Although these results are very encouraging, high population densities of the horse chestnut leafminer in nature and the patchy distribution of horse chestnut trees in the cities will challenge the efficacy of mating disruption in the field. Further experiments are planned with open experimental units and typical horse chestnut trees in various parks and gardens.
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