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Rumen fermentation and degradability in buffalo and cattle using the in vitro gas production technique
Authors:Calabrò S  Moniello G  Piccolo V  Bovera F  Infascelli F  Tudisco R  Cutrignelli M I
Affiliation: Dipartimento di Scienze Zootecnichee Ispezione degli Alimenti, Universitàdi Napoli "Federico II",Napoli, Italy;, and
 Dipartimento di Biologia Animale –Sezione Produzioni Animali, Universitàdegli Studi di Sassari, Sassari, Italy
Abstract:An in vitro trial was conducted to investigate the effect of different inoculum sources (buffalo vs. cattle) on rumen fermentation and degradability. Incubations were carried out using rumen fluid obtained from buffalo or cattle fed the same diet [60% grass hay and 40% concentrate; 18 kg dry matter (DM)/day]. The fermentation kinetics of eight feeds commonly used in ruminant nutrition (alfalfa hay, barley meal, beet pulp, corn meal and silage, ryegrass hay and silage and soya bean meal s.e.) were studied with the in vitro gas production technique and rumen fermentation parameters (substrate disappearance, pH and volatile fatty acids production) were determined after 120 h of incubation. The linear relationship indicates that the microbial metabolic pathways of the two inocula for all the substrates were qualitatively similar, albeit often quantitatively different. In this in vitro study, a significant influence of rumen inoculum (buffalo vs. cow) on fermentation and degradability of the examined substrates was found. The differences in buffalo and cattle rumen fermentation can be explained with a different microbial activity of the two ruminant species, because of different amount of microbial population or microbial population constituted by different species of bacteria and protozoa.
Keywords:buffalo    cattle    in vitro gas production technique (IVGPT)    ruminal fermentation    volatile fatty acids
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