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引用本文:雷宏军,杨宏光,冯凯,臧明,潘红卫. 循环曝气灌溉条件下小白菜生长及水分与养分利用[J]. 灌溉排水学报, 2017, 36(11). DOI: 10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2017.11.003
作者姓名:雷宏军  杨宏光  冯凯  臧明  潘红卫
摘    要:研究循环曝气灌溉对不同土壤作物水分及养分利用影响的规律可为循环曝气灌溉技术在不同土壤中的应用提供理论指导。以河南省3种典型土壤(郑州黏土、洛阳粉壤土和驻马店砂壤土)为供试对象,小白菜为供试作物,设置常规地下滴灌为对照组(CK)、循环曝气灌溉为试验组(CAI)开展盆栽试验,研究了循环曝气灌溉对作物生长生理指标及水分与养分利用的影响。结果表明,与CK相比,CAI可促进根系生长,其中郑州黏土和洛阳粉壤土CAI根系活力分别显著增大46.36%和16.79%(P0.05),根干质量分别显著增大35.33%和26.22%(P0.05)。CAI处理净光合速率较CK有显著提高(P0.05),其中郑州黏土、洛阳粉壤土、驻马店砂壤土依次增大了17.69%、12.41%和21.43%。循环曝气处理有效提高了作物氮、磷、钾的吸收效率,其中,郑州黏土和洛阳粉壤土氮素吸收量较CK分别显著提高23.68%和27.72%(P0.05);3种土壤CAI作物磷、钾吸收效率均有显著提高(P0.05),其中郑州黏土分别增加了27.54%和62.81%,洛阳粉壤土增加了25.20%和63.26%,驻马店砂壤土增加了26.86%和23.97%。循环曝气灌溉能显著提高小白菜产量和水分利用效率,其中,郑州黏土和洛阳粉壤土小白菜地上部鲜质量较CK分别提高了58.42%和62.03%,水分利用效率分别提高了27.86%和16.47%。综合比较小白菜生长指标、产量、水分利用及养分吸收效率,郑州黏土循环曝气灌溉处理具有最为显著的改善作用。

关 键 词:灌溉  小白菜  生长生理指标  水分利用效率  养分吸收效率

Impact of Continuous Aerating Irrigation on Growth,Water Use Efficiency and Nutrient Uptake of Pak Choi Growing in Different Soils
LEI Hongjun,YANG Hongguang,FENG Kai,ZANG Ming,PAN Hongwei. Impact of Continuous Aerating Irrigation on Growth,Water Use Efficiency and Nutrient Uptake of Pak Choi Growing in Different Soils[J]. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage, 2017, 36(11). DOI: 10.13522/j.cnki.ggps.2017.11.003
Authors:LEI Hongjun  YANG Hongguang  FENG Kai  ZANG Ming  PAN Hongwei
Abstract:A reduction in soil air permeability could make the root zoon anaerobic, affecting crop growth detrimen-tally. Oneamelioration is to irrigate bymixing water with small air bubbles, i.e., aerating irrigation. This paper ex-amined theuse efficiency of water and nutrientsbypakchoi under aerating irrigation. Pak Choi was grown in pots, each filled by one of the following three soils:clay soil taken from Zhengzhou (CS), silty loam taken from Luoy-ang (SIL) and sandy loam taken from Zhumadian (SAL). The crop was either watered with conventional irriga-tion (CK) or drip irrigation with continuous mixing with air bubbles (CAI). Over the growth period, thephysiolog-ical traits and nutrient uptake by the crop under all treatmentswere measured. The results showed that, compared to CK, CAI boosted root growth with the dry rootweight in CS and SIL increasing by 35.33%and 26.22%respec-tively, and root activity increasing by 46.36%and 16.79%respectively. We also found that CAI increased the net photosynthetic rate in CS, SILand SAL by 17.69%, 12.41%and 21.43%respectively;nitrogen uptake in CS and SIL by 23.68%and 27.72%respectively, phosphorus uptake inCS, SIL and SAL by 27.54%, 25.20%and 26.86%respectively, and the potassium uptake by 62.81%, 63.26% and 23.97%, respectively. The yield increase in CS and SIL was 58.42%and 62.03%, and the increase in water use efficiency was 27.86%and 16.47%, respectively. In terms of root growth, net photosynthetic rate, yield, use efficiency of water and nutrients, CAI was more effec-tive for fine texture soils such asclay than for coarse texture soils such as sandy loam.
Keywords:irrigation  pakchoi  growth and physiological indexes  water use efficiency  nutrient uptake efficiency
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