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引用本文:刘春艳,王万立,霍建飞,姚玉荣,白鹏华,张福利,郝永娟. 天津市保护地蔬菜根结线虫病发生规律及防治措施研究[J]. 安徽农业科学, 2018, 46(11): 112-115
作者姓名:刘春艳  王万立  霍建飞  姚玉荣  白鹏华  张福利  郝永娟
摘    要:2016—2017年对天津地区蔬菜主产区保护地蔬菜根结线虫病的危害程度进行调查,以天津市静海区、西青区、武清区、宝坻区、蓟州区、北辰区6个区的蔬菜大棚为研究对象,对棚内土壤中根结线虫的发生规律进行系统研究。结果表明:天津地区保护地蔬菜根结线虫病主要为南方根结线虫危害;该病在天津地区保护地蔬菜上发生已相当普遍,主要为害黄瓜、番茄、苦瓜、豇豆、芹菜、黄秋葵等蔬菜;6个区大棚土壤中根结线虫数量普遍随土层的加深呈明显减少的趋势,并且根结线虫数量随着大棚前缘向内呈不均匀分布,且不同地区根结线虫发生量存在明显差异。结合天津地区根结线虫发病特点,提出了相应的防治措施。

关 键 词:蔬菜  根结线虫  天津地区

Occurrence Regularity and Prevention and Control Measures of Vegetable RootK not Nematode in Tianjin
Abstract:In 2016-2017, the investigation of the damage degree of vegetable root-knot nematode disease in the main vegetable-producing areas in Tianjin was conducted.The Jinghai District, Xiqing District, Wuqing District, Baodi District, Yinzhou District and Beichen District in Tianjin City were investigated.The vegetable cucumber greenhouse in the district was the object of study and systematically studied the oc-currence regularity of root knot nematodes in the greenhouse.The results showed that the root-knot nematode disease of vegetables in protec-ted areas in Tianjin was mainly caused by the root-knot nematode.The disease had been common in protected areas in Tianjin.It mainly harmed cucumbers,tomatoes,bitter gourds,kidney beans,celery,okra and other vegetables.The number of root-knot nematodes in green -house soils of 65districts generally decreased with the deepening of soil layers; and the number of root-knot nematodes generally increased with the increase of the distance from the front edge of the greenhouse to the inward distribution,and the trend of uneven distribution increased significantly.There was a significant difference in the occurrence of root knot nematodes.Combining with the characteristics of root-knot nematode in Tianjin, corresponding prevention measures were proposed.
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