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引用本文:李良厚,李吉跃,付祥建,李高阳. 黑樱桃与山樱桃幼苗光合作用的比较研究[J]. 林业科学研究, 2007, 20(1): 130-134
作者姓名:李良厚  李吉跃  付祥建  李高阳
摘    要:用LI-6400便携式光合作用系统对美国黑樱桃、加拿大黑樱桃、中国山樱桃苗木的净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度等进行了比较测定,结果表明:(1)日平均净光合速率、气孔导度和胞间CO2浓度均是中国山樱桃最大、美国黑樱桃居中、加拿大黑樱桃最小.3种苗木的净光合速率分别为6.381 μmol·m-2·s-1、5.550 μmol·m-2·s-1、4.952 μmol·m-2·s-1,气孔导度分别为0.200 mol·m-2·s-1、0.151 mol·m-2·s-1、0.134 mol·m-2·s-1,胞间CO2浓度分别为251.7 μmol·mol-1、234.7 μmol·mol-1、230.1 μmol·mol-1.(2)3种苗木的净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间CO2浓度均有显著差异.(3)3种苗木净光合速率的日变化相似,都呈单峰曲线,但美国黑樱桃达到峰值的时间在上午10时,早于加拿大黑樱桃和中国山樱桃,后两者达到峰值的时间都在中午12时.胞间CO2浓度的日变化都是从早晨开始逐渐下降,到下午降低到最小值,然后又有所增加,所不同的是,美国黑樱桃苗木下降到最小值的时间较早,在14时,而中国山樱桃和加拿大黑樱桃则较迟,都在16时.气孔导度的日变化趋势相似.

关 键 词:黑樱桃  山樱桃  净光合速率  气孔导度  胞间CO2浓度

Comparison on the Photosynthesis of Seedlings ofPrunus serotina and Prunus serrulata
LI Liang-hou,LI Ji-yue,FU Xiang -jian and LI Gao-yang. Comparison on the Photosynthesis of Seedlings ofPrunus serotina and Prunus serrulata[J]. Forest Research, 2007, 20(1): 130-134
Authors:LI Liang-hou  LI Ji-yue  FU Xiang -jian  LI Gao-yang
Affiliation:College ofNatu ralR esou rces and Environment , Bei jing Forestry Un ivers ity, Beijing?? 100083, China; Hen anA cad emy of Forestry, Zh engzhou?? 450008, Hen an, China;College ofNatu ralR esou rces and Environment , Bei jing Forestry Un ivers ity, Beijing?? 100083, China; The Key Laboratory for S ilviculture and Con servation ofM in istry ofEducation , Bei jing ForestryUn iversity , Beijing?? 100083, China;;Hen an Inst itu te o fM eteorology, Zhengzhou?? 450008, H enan, China;Hen anA cad emy of Forestry, Zh engzhou?? 450008, Hen an, China
Abstract:W ith L I??6400 portab le photo synthesis systems, the net photosynthet ic rate ( Pn ) , stom ata l conduct??ance ( G s ) and in terce llu lar CO2 concentra tion ( C i ) under natura l full light cond itions w ere compared forP runus serru lata from Guang shan C ounty , H enan Prov ince, P. serotina from Pennsy lvan ia and On tario. The re??sults show ed that: ( 1 ) P. serrula ta had the max imum da ily averag e amoun t of Pn, Gs, and Ci, w h ich w ere6. 381??mo l·m- 2 ·s-1, 0. 200 mo l·m- 2 ·s-1, and 251. 7 ??mo l·mo l- 1 respect iv ely, and the average a??moun ts of seedling s o f Pennsy lvan ia provenances w ere them ed ium, they w ere 5. 550 ??mo l·m- 2 ·s-1, 0. 151mo l·m- 2 ·s-1, and 234. 7 ??mo l·mo l- 1 respective ly, and the averag e amoun ts o f seed lings o fOn tario prove??nance w ere the least, they w ere 4. 952 ??mo l·m- 2 ·s-1, 0. 134 mo l·m- 2 ·s-1, and 230. 1 ??m ol·mo l- 1respective ly. ( 2) Pn, Gs and C i had sign ifican tly d ifferences among these species. ( 3 ) The da ily variat ion o fPn w as sim ilar, therew as on ly one peak of Pn in a day, bu t the Pn o f p lants of Pennsy lvan ia provenance reached the peak earlier than that o f the o ther tw o k inds of seedling s. The da ily var iation o fC i w as sim ilar, too. C i de??creased gradua lly from mo rn ing to them in imum in the a fternoon and increased a little la ter, bu t the Ci of plantsof Pennsylvan ia provenance fell them in imum earlier than that o f the o ther tw o k inds o f seed lings. The da ily va ri??at ion o fG s w as sim ilar, too.
Keywords:Prunus serotina  Prunus serrulata  net photosynthetic rate(Pn)  stomatal conductance(Gs)  intercellular CO2 concentration(Ci)
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