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Identifying the location of olive fruit abscission
Authors:Franco Castillo-Llanque  Hava F. Rapoport
Affiliation:1. IFAPA, Área de Producción Ecológica y Recursos Naturales, Centro de Investigación y Formación Agraria “Alameda del Obispo”, Avd. Menéndez Pidal s/n, 14004 Córdoba, Spain;2. Instituto de Agricultura Sostenible, C.S.I.C., P.O. Box 4084, 14080 Córdoba, Spain
Abstract:For high quality oil, table olive characteristics, and reduction of alternate bearing tendencies, it is often desirable to harvest olive fruits prior to full physiological maturity, that is, before the natural separation zone has differentiated. Olive fruit abscission can occur at different positions, mainly fruit-pedicel, pedicel rachis and peduncle-branch, apparently varying according to cultivar, fruit weight, and fruit maturation. Precisely identifying the location of separation is critical for studying the differentiation of the abscission zone or zones and testing the effectiveness of harvest procedures, including the mode of action of different fruit-loosening chemicals. We determined the olive fruit abscission zone position under natural conditions, throughout the complete fruit maturation period, for two cultivars differing in fruit size. The major separation zone for the cultivars studied was between the fruit and pedicel. For cv. Picual, abscission in zones other that fruit-pedicel occurred in less than 15% of the fruit at all dates throughout the maturation period, whereas in cv. Hojiblanca, the percentages of fruits detached at peduncle-shoot (27%) and pedicel-rachis (19%) were initially substantial, and then decreased progressively during fruit maturation. Our data clearly indicate both varietal and temporal differences which should be taken into account not only when testing fruit-loosening compounds but in extrapolating test results to different varieties or dates. Fruit weight did not appear affect the abscission location. The method we used, of counting the different detached units, is simple and effective for determining the position of fruit abscission.
Keywords:Olea europaea   Harvest   Pedicel   Peduncle   Rachis
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