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Books on Soil Science recently received
Abstract:Book reviews in this article: Anderson , M. G. & Burt , T. P., (eds) Process Studies in Hillslope Hydrology. Avery , B. W. Soils of the British Isles. Boardman J., Foster , I. D. L. & Dearing , J. A., (eds) Soil Erosion on Agricultural Land. Campbell , C. A., Zentner , R. P., Janzen , H. H. & Bowren , K. E. Crop Rotation Studies on the Canadian Prairies. Cheng , H. H., (ed.) Pesticides in the Soil Environment: Processes, Impacts, and Modeling. Dindal , D. L., (ed.) Soil Biology Guide. Fergusson , J. E. The Heavy Elements: Chemistry, Environmental Impact And Health Effects. Follett , R. F., (ed.) Nitrogen Management and Ground Water Protection. Hayes , M. H. B., Mac Carthy P., Malcolm , R. L. & Swift , R. S., (eds) Humic Substances II: In Search of Structure. Hillel D. & Elrick , D. E., (eds) Scaling in Soil Physics: Principles and Applications. Kämäri , J. et al., (eds) Regional Acidification Models. Melchoir , D. C. & Bassett , R. L., (eds) Chemical Modeling of Aqueous Systems II. Schulze , E. D., Lange , O. L. & Oren , R., (eds) Forest Decline and Air Pollution: A Study of Spruce (Picea Abies) on Acid Soils. Lal , R. & Stewart , B. A., (eds) Advances in Soil Science. Stewart , B. A., (ed.) Advances in Soil Science. Singh , R. P., Parr , J. F. & Stewart , B. A., (eds) Advances in Soil Science. Stewart , B. A., (ed.) Advances in Soil Science. Thornes , J. B., (ed) Vegetation and Erosion: Processes and Environments. Webster , R. & Oliver , M. A. Statistical Methods in Soil and Land Resource Survey. Young , A. & Murata , P. SCUAF: Soil Changes Under Agroforestry. Pizer , N. H. Understanding Soils, The Experience of an Adviser. OTHER BOOKS RECEIVED Allbrook , R. F. Bibliography of Soil Science in New Zealand up to 1957 Alloway , B. J., (ed.) Heavy Metals in Soils. Lyman , W. J., Reehl , W. F. & Rosenblatt , D. H., (eds) Handbook of Chemical Property Estimation Methods. Maltby , E. & Wollersen , T., (eds) Soils and their Management. A Sino–European Perspective. Miedema , R. & Mermut , A. R. Soil Micromorphology: An Annotated Bibliography 1968–1986. National Research Council . Surface Coal Mining Effects on Ground Water Recharge. Orr , W. L. & White , C. M., (eds) Geochemistry of Sulfur in Fossil Fuels. Schwintzer , C. R. & Tjepkema , J. D., (eds) The Biology of Frankia and Actinorhizal Plants. Tedder , D. W. & Pohland , F. G., (eds) Emerging Technologies in Hazardous Waste Management. Winteringham , F. P. W. Radioactive Fallout in Soils, Crops and Food.
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