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Morphological studies in different avian species on artefacts induced by euthanasia with T 61 " or Pentobarbital (Narcoren)
Authors:Kummerfeld Norbert  Legler Marko  Wohlsein Peter  Kummerfeld Maren
Affiliation:Klinik für Heimtiere, Reptilien, Zier- und Wildv?gel, Stiftung Tier?rztliche Hochschule Hannover. norbert.kummerfeld@tiho-hannover.de
Abstract:In mammals (e. g. macaques, dogs, cats, rats, sheep) as well as in men (suicides) euthanasia performed by intravenous injection of T 61 leads to serious lesions in lung, kidney or/and liver (endothelial damage, hyperemia, oedema, necrosis). This is caused by the solvent dimethylformamide (DMF). In this study, in contrast, in different species of birds (e. g. blackbird, carrion crow, kestrel, common buzzard, homer pigeon, common wood pigeon, mallard duck) and various modes of applications and dosages T 61, 1.0-3.0 ml/kg body mass, did not induce comparable artefacts in tissues of internal organs in the narcotized animals. Microscopically, only hyperemia and oedema of lung, kidney and/or liver were found. However, milder but similar lesions were detected also in groups of birds euthanized by pentobarbital (200 mg/kg body mass) as well as in control groups (overdosed ketamine intramusculary, 100 mg/kg body mass, and rapid exsanguination). In conclusion, euthanasia of narcotized birds performed by intravenous or intracardial injections ofT 61 seemed to be suitable. The observed lesions could therefore not be interpreted as T61 induced artefacts.
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