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The status and conservation of whooper swans (Cygnus cygnus) in China
Authors:Yuan Li  Li Xiaomin  Yu Hongxian  Guo Libin  Zhang Taizhong  Gao Qingjun  Zeng Daihua
Affiliation:(1) College of Wildlife Resources, Northeast Forestry University, 150040 Harbin, P.R. China;(2) Mechnical Manufacture School, Xuefu Road, 150080 Harbin, China;(3) Academy of Agricultural Sciences of Heilongjiang, 150080 Harbin, P.R. China;(4) Xingkaihu Farm of Heilongjiang, 150080 Harbin, P.R. China
Abstract:There are five species of swan in the world. Three of them were recorded in China. They are whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus), whistling swan (Cygnus columbianus) and mute swan (Cygnus olor). Among them. whooper swan is the most famous in China. Whooper swan is a resident bird in China. They breed in Xinjiang Ugyur Autonomous Region. Inner Mongol Autonomous Region. Heilongjiang Province. etc., and winter in Qinghai. Shandong. Henan Province, etc, and the lower reaches of the Changjiang River. The total number in China is about 5.000 in breeding grounds and 15.000 in wintering grounds. Higher number were found in 1960s. Because of the changes in environment and hunting, of picking up eggs and of catching nestlings, their population is being reduced rapidly. They are in danger now. In order to protect the whooper swans, some protection measures must be taken, such as strengthening public education and scientific research, estabilshing a base of raising and breeding: developing international cooperation, strengthening the construction of natural reserves in the breeding and wintering grounds. Up to the end of 1993. 34 natural reserves have been established in China. (Responsible Editor: Sun Yueqi)
Keywords:Whooper swan   Cygnus cygnus   status  conservation  China
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