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Overweight, asthma symptoms, atopy and pulmonary function in children of 4-12 years of age: findings from the SCAALA cohort in Salvador, Bahia, Brazil
Authors:Matos Sheila M A,Jesus Sandra R,Saldiva Silvia R D M,Prado Matildes S,D'Innocenzo Silvana,Assis Ana M O,Rodrigues Laura C,Alcantara-Neves Neuza M,Cruz álvaro A,Sim?es Silvia de Magalh?es,Barreto Maurício L  SCAALA Study Group
Affiliation:Instituto de Saúde Coletiva, Universidade Federal da Bahia, Rua Basílio da Gama, s/n°, Campus Universitário do Canela, 5° andar, 40110-040 Salvador, Bahia, Brazil. sheilaalvim@hotmail.com
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