Abstract: | Radioimmunoassay for parathyroid hormone (PTH) in equids was performed on blood samples from healthy equids and equids with hypercalcemia and hypophosphatemia. The assay was validated for equine carboxy-terminal PTH. Manipulation of serum ionized Ca in healthy equids by infusing Na2 EDTA and CaCl2 produced an expected increase and decrease, respectively, in measurable immunoreactive PTH. Intra-assay and interassay coefficients of variation were 2.6% and 11.7%, respectively. The range of PTH valves for healthy mature horse mares and geldings maintained on pasture was less than 0.27 ng/ml to 0.92 ng/ml and for horse colts fed grain was 0.61 to 1.25 ng/ml. Serum PTH values were measured on 2 equine patients with hypercalcemia, 1 pony with primary hyperparathyroidism and 1 horse with pseudohyperparathyroidism. Both patients had increased serum PTH values. |