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Detrimental effects of peat mining on amphibian abundance and species richness in bogs
Authors:Marc J Mazerolle
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia B3H 4J1, Canada
Abstract:Peat bogs of eastern North America are increasingly being mined for peat, which results in the extensive draining of these systems. First, I quantified the effects of peat mining on amphibian species richness and abundance in bog remnants adjacent to mining activity and unmined bogs. I then investigated amphibian occurrence patterns in bog remnants relative to the distance to the mined edge, after accounting for microhabitat and distance to landscape elements. The response of amphibians to peat mining varied across taxa. For instance, amphibian species richness, total amphibian captures (all spp. combined), as well as those of green frogs (Rana clamitans) were greater in unmined bogs than in bog remnants. Wood frogs (Rana sylvatica) were most abundant in unmined bogs in areas far from bog ponds, as well as in unmined bogs in areas near shrub patches. After accounting for microhabitat and landscape variables, American toads (Bufo americanus) in bog remnants were most abundant close to mined edges, whereas the other species did not respond to the proximity of mined edges. Peat mining negatively impacts amphibians occurring in bog remnants. The response of amphibians to peat mining is similar to the one of birds and plants, but differs with small mammals. Maintaining a complex mosaic of bog ponds, shrub and forest patches might help mitigate peat mining effects on amphibian patterns of abundance.
Keywords:Frogs   Habitat loss   Peatlands   Salamanders   AICc   Model averaging
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