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引用本文:邹莉,许继飞,王向利,郑红. 木材厂环境中空气微生物的初步研究[J]. 林业研究, 2005, 16(2): 161-162. DOI: 10.1007/BF02857914
作者姓名:邹莉  许继飞  王向利  郑红
作者单位:东北林业大学,东北林业大学,讷河市二科浅镇林业站,东北林业大学 哈尔滨150040,中国,哈尔滨150040,中国,讷河市161348,中国,哈尔滨150040,中国
摘    要:本文采用自然沉降平板法,对哈尔滨市某木材厂空气微生物种类和数量进行测定.结果表明:未经空气净化器处理的木材生产车间中的空气微生物数量(54939 cfu(m-3)是经空气净化器处理(25768 cfu(m-3)的2.1倍.空气净化器虽然能够净化生产车间中的空气微生物,但其净化率为53.1%,净化后的空气未达到洁净空气的标准,因此还应同时采取其他相应净化措施.净化器可以显著降低空气中放线菌的数量,尤其能够完全清除放线菌,如:疮痂类群(Scabies), 烬灰类群(Cinereas)和吸水类群(Hygroscopicas),但对细菌和真菌效果不明显.建议今后采用更有效可行的方法来净化木材生产车间中的空气微生物.

关 键 词:空气微生物  平板沉降法  净化率  空气净化器

A preliminary study on air microorganism in a wood mill
Zou Li,Ji-fei,Wang Xiang-li,Zheng Hong. A preliminary study on air microorganism in a wood mill[J]. Journal of Forestry Research, 2005, 16(2): 161-162. DOI: 10.1007/BF02857914
Authors:Zou Li  Ji-fei  Wang Xiang-li  Zheng Hong
Affiliation:Northeast Forestry University, Harbin 150040, P.R.China;Forest Station of Erkeqian Town, Nehe 161348, P.R.China
Abstract:The air microbial species and quantities in a wood mill in Harbin, China were measured using sedimentation plate method. Results showed that the microbial quantity in the air at the workshop without depurator (54939 cfu·m?3) was 2.1 times that of the workshop with depurator (25768 cfu·m?3). The depurator could purify air microorganisms at the workshop, with a purifying rate of 53.1%, but it did not reach the standards of clean air. Comparatively the depurator is effective in reducing the quantity of air actinomyces, and some kinds of air actinomyces, such asScabies, Cinereas andHygroscopicas, can be clean out, but it is not very effective to bacteria and fungi. It is suggested that more effective and feasible methods should be developed for purifying air microorganisms at the workshop in the future.
Keywords:Air microorganism  Method of sedimentation plate  Purifying rate  Depurator
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