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A highly accurate, single PCR reaction for parentage assignment in Senegal sole based on eight informative microsatellite loci
Authors:Roberto de la Herrá  n,Francisca Robles,José   Ignacio Navas,Abdel Mounim Hamman-Khalifa,Marcelino Herrera,Ismael Hachero,Marí  a José   Mora,Carmelo Ruiz Rejó  n,Manuel Garrido-Ramos,&   Manuel Ruiz Rejó  n
Affiliation:Departamento de Genética, Facultad de Ciencias, Universidad de Granada, Avda, Fuentenueva, Granada, Spain;
IFAPA Centro Agua del Pino, Consejería de Innovación, Ciencia y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía, Cartaya, Huelva, Spain
Abstract:From a battery of microsatellite markers (100 loci), recently identified by our group, we have selected eight for parentage assignment in Senegal sole ( Solea senegalensis ). This tool is based on microsatellite loci obtained from four genomic DNA libraries and one cDNA library. Within the eight loci (six from anonymous genomic DNA sequences and two located in expressed sequence tags of known genes), we have found, in an analysis of a reproductive broodstock, between nine and 16 alleles. The expected heterozygosity was between 0.616 and 0.860. In addition, we have optimized the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) conditions to amplify all loci simultaneously in a single multiplex PCR reaction, and we have tested three lots of male and female (five to six individuals) and three offspring (50–60 larvae each). The use of the eight microsatellite loci, the possibility of amplifying them in a single PCR reaction and the high value of the exclusion probability (0.9992) make this multiplex PCR method a unique tool for parentage assignment.
Finally, analysing one meiotic gynogenetic progeny, we have determined the relative distance of six of these loci to the centromere, and we have also found that all of them are unlinked. All these characteristics confer this tool with a high accuracy for parentage studies and genetic population analyses of Senegal sole.
Keywords:Senegal sole    microsatellites    parentage assignment    aquaculture    genetic improvement    offspring selection
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