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引用本文:彭星星,郭正,张玉娇,李军. 长期有机肥与化肥配施对渭北旱塬苹果园水分生产力和土壤有机碳含量影响的定量模拟[J]. 植物营养与肥料学报, 2018, 24(1): 33-43. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.17045
作者姓名:彭星星  郭正  张玉娇  李军
作者单位:1.西北农林科技大学农学院,陕西杨凌 712100
摘    要:【目的】利用数学模拟方法研究了长周期有机肥与化肥配施对渭北旱塬苹果园产量和深层土壤水分利用的影响。【方法】采用WinEPIC模型定量模拟研究了1965—2009年期间洛川苹果园在6种有机肥与化肥配施处理下苹果产量、0—15 m土层土壤水分和有机碳含量的响应动态。在施肥总量均为N 360 kg/hm2、P2O5 180 kg/hm2的基础上,设置6种猪粪和氮磷化肥投入比例:M0 (单施化肥)、M1 (1/5腐熟猪粪)、M2 (2/5腐熟猪粪)、M3 (3/5腐熟猪粪)、M4 (4/5腐熟猪粪) 和M5 (单施腐熟猪粪)。调查了每年11月份果园各处理0—15 m土层土壤有机碳和有效水分含量以及果园产量,模拟值与观测值相一致,并利用数学模型进行了长周期变化动态模拟。【结果】通过模型数据库组建、生长参数修订和模拟精度验证,表明WinEPIC模型能够较准确地模拟洛川苹果园产量和土壤水分利用响应,可用于渭北旱塬不同施肥处理下苹果园水分生产力模拟研究;在1965~2009年模拟研究期间,各施肥处理下苹果园果品产量随树龄增长呈现出前期急速增加后期波动降低,土壤含水量波动性下降,土壤有机碳呈逐渐积累的趋势。与M0相比,施用有机肥处理M1、M2、M3、M4和M5分别增产5.2%、9.8%、10.3%、1.3%和–6.6%,M3处理产量最高,其42年年均产量为30.98 t/hm2;M1~M5果园土壤有效含水量分别较M0提高4.3%、6.2%、5.9%、9.0%和9.8%,其中M5处理保墒效果最优,0—15 m土层土壤有效含水量45年均值为1339 mm;M0~M5处理下苹果园0—15 m土层土壤湿度垂直变化剧烈,土壤干层出现时间分别为13年生、14年生、15年生、15年生、16年生和16年生,干层最大深度均达到11 m;6个施肥处理的0—500 cm土层土壤有机碳含量45年均值为6.43、7.68、7.97、8.67、8.71和8.78 g/kg,随着有机肥施用比例增加而提高,M1、M2、M3、M4和M5处理土壤有机碳含量分别较M0提高19.4%、24.0%、34.8%、35.4%和36.4%;不同施肥处理下,土壤含水量与果园利用年限间呈显著负相关,土壤有机碳含量与果园利用年限间呈正相关,随着有机肥施用比例的增加,这两个相关系数均增大。【结论】与单施化肥处理相比,5种有机肥施用处理均有利于提高土壤含水量和有机碳含量,且M1~M4 四种有机肥与化肥配施处理均能够不同程度增加苹果园产量,综合0—15 m土层土壤有效含水量和4~45年生苹果园产量模拟结果考虑,在折算纯氮360 kg/hm2用量条件下,洛川果园适宜有机肥与化肥配施比例为4∶6~6∶4。

关 键 词:渭北旱塬   苹果园   施肥   土壤含水量   土壤有机碳

Quantitative simulation of the effect of long-term organic manure and chemical fertilizer application on water productivity and soil organic carbon contents of apple orchards in Weibei Highland
PENG Xing-xing,GUO Zheng,ZHANG Yu-jiao,LI Jun. Quantitative simulation of the effect of long-term organic manure and chemical fertilizer application on water productivity and soil organic carbon contents of apple orchards in Weibei Highland[J]. Plant Nutrition and Fertilizer Science, 2018, 24(1): 33-43. DOI: 10.11674/zwyf.17045
Authors:PENG Xing-xing  GUO Zheng  ZHANG Yu-jiao  LI Jun
Affiliation:1.College of Agronomy, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100, China
Abstract:【Objectives】Effects of long-term application of organic manure and chemical fertilizers on yield and the use efficiency of deep layer soil water in rain-fed apple orchards in Weibei Highland were studied.【Methods】WinEPIC model was applied to quantitatively simulate the dynamic response of apple yields, soil water contents in 0–15 m soil layer and the contents of soil organic carbon with 6 combinations of organic manure and chemical fertilizers in the apple orchard of Luochuan during the period from 1965 to 2009. On the base of total input of N 360 kg/hm2 and P2O5 180 kg/hm2, six ratio of pig manure addition treatments were designed as following: M0 (chemical fertilizer), M1 (1/5 decomposed pig manure), M2 (2/5 decomposed pig manure), M3 (3/5 decomposed pig manure), M4 (4/5 decomposed pig manure), and M5 (single decomposed pig manure). The orchard apple yields, the organic carbon and available water contents in the 0–15 m depth of soil layer were investigated in November of each year; the simulated values were correlated with the observed values, and its long-term dynamics were simulated with the model.【Results】Through establishment of the local database, revision of apple growth parameters and model verification, the WinEPIC model can accurately simulate responses of apple yields and soil water use in apple orchards with different fertilization treatments in Luochuan, and can be used to simulate water productivity of apple orchards under different fertilization treatments in Weibei Highland. During the simulation study period of 1965 to 2009, with the increase of tree age, the apple orchard yield showed a trend that increasing rapidly in the early stage and reducing fluctuantly later; meanwhile, the soil moisture content showed a fluctuant downward trend and soil organic carbon content revealed an increasing tendency. Compared with M0, the apple orchard yields of other five treatments were increased by 5.2%, 9.8%, 10.3%, 1.3% and –6.6% respectively. The apple yield of M3 was the highest among the five treatments, and the average annual apple yield in 42 years production period was 30.98 t/hm2. The increase rates of soil available water contents were respectively 4.3%, 6.2%, 5.9%, 9.0% and 9.8%, the water storage of M5 was the largest, and the 45 years average soil moisture content in the 0–15 m layer was 1339 mm. The vertical soil moisture contents in the apple orchards changed severely in the 0–15 m layer under the six treatments, the time that soil-drying layer occurred on apple orchards was respectively 13 year-old, 14 year-old, 15 year-old, 15year-old, 16 year-old and 16 year-old, and the dried layers of apple orchards all reached at 11m. The average values of soil organic carbon contents during 45-year growth period in 0–500 cm soil layer of apple orchards under the 6 fertilization treatments were 6.43, 7.68, 7.97, 8.67, 8.71 and 8.78 g/kg, raising with the increase of the proportion of organic manure application. The soil organic carbon contents of M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5 were respectively increased by 19.4%, 24.0%, 34.8%, 35.4% and 36.4% compared with M0. Under different fertilization treatments, the soil water contents were significantly and negatively correlated with the orchard land use age, on the contrary, there was a positive correlation between the soil organic carbon contents and the orchard land use age, and the two correlation coefficients became larger with the increase of the proportion of organic manure use.【Conclusions】Compared with single chemical nitrogen fertilizer application, the 5 organic manure fertilizer treatments were all favorable for the increases of soil moisture contents and soil organic carbon contents, and the 4 treatments of M1–M4 could improve apple orchard yields in some degree. Considering the soil available water content in 0–15 m soil layer and simulated apple orchard yields from 4 to 45 years old, and the N application of 360 kg/hm2, the appropriate proportion of organic manure and chemical fertilizer for Luochuan apple orchard is among 4∶6 to 6∶4.
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