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引用本文:高妍妍,巴雅尔,哈斯苏荣. 伊维菌素和三氯苯达唑在羊体内的药动学相互作用[J]. 中国农业科学, 2014, 47(7): 1438-1444. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.07.021
作者姓名:高妍妍  巴雅尔  哈斯苏荣
作者单位:1、内蒙古农业大学兽医学院/农业部动物疾病临床诊疗技术重点实验室,呼和浩特 010018;2、内蒙古家畜改良工作站,呼和浩特 010010
摘    要:【目的】研究联合应用伊维菌素和三氯苯达唑在蠕虫感染绵羊体内的药代动力学特征及相互影响,【方法】借助经典麦克麦斯特法定量检查羊群消化道蠕虫感染基础上选取每克粪便虫卵数大于1500个,且感染强度相近的泌乳期鄂尔多斯细毛羊15只,平均体重为(39.3±3.2)kg,年龄为4周岁。将15只受试羊禁食8 h后随机分成3组,按照预定试验设计给予不同药物:第1组皮下注射伊维菌素(0.2 mg•kg-1),第2组灌服三氯苯达唑混悬液(12 mg•kg-1),第3组皮下注射伊维菌素(0.2 mg•kg-1)的同时灌服三氯苯达唑混悬液(12 mg•kg-1)。分别于给药后第0.75、2、4、8、16、24、36、48、72、120、192和336 h,由颈静脉采集5 mL血样,离心分离血浆,冷冻保存待测。建立检测血浆伊维菌素(IVM)、三氯苯达唑(TCBZ)及其主要活性代谢产物三氯苯达唑亚砜(TCBZSO)浓度的高效液相色谱(HPLC)荧光检测法和紫外检测法,并对每个样品进行甲醇沉淀蛋白,经ODS C18固相萃取柱进行纯化处理后,分别测定各组血浆样品中的IVM、TCBZ及其主要代谢产物TCBZSO的浓度。色谱条件:反相C18柱,InertsilODS-SP(5 µm,4.6×150 mm,I.D.);流动相为V(甲醇+乙腈)﹕V(水)=95﹕5;激发波长364 nm,发射波长470 nm;流速为1.0 mL•min-1;柱温为室温;进样量为20 µL。最后将测定血药浓度数据用Phoenix WinNonlin药动学软件按非房室模型方法处理,计算出各试验组每只羊的相关药动学参数,并进行统计学分析。 【结果】血浆样品色谱图中IVM和内标物AVM色谱峰分离良好,保留时间分别为8.73 min和6.16 min,且不受血浆其他干扰峰的影响;TCBZ和TCBZSO以及内标物甲苯咪唑的保留时间分别为10.04、5.53和3.42 min,且在试验分析条件下具有良好的分离度,血浆内源性物质对目标峰没有干扰。对HPLC检测方法的绝对回收率、精密度和准确度等的考证结果均达到色谱测定要求。因此,本试验所建立的方法切实可行,能满足测定血浆样品各目标物的检测要求。联合应用IVM和TCBZ后,IVM的血浆峰浓度(Cmax)和药时曲线下面积(AUC)极显著下降,表观分布容积(Vd)、消除半衰期(T1/2ke)和体清除率(CLb)反而极显著增加;联合用药后TCBZSO的Vd、MRT和Tmax显著高于单独用药组,T1/2ke则极显著高于单独用药组。【结论】为蠕虫感染绵羊联合应用伊维菌素和三氯苯达唑后,在药代动力学方面相互产生了负面影响,未达到联合用药的真正目的。由此可见,在临床实践中联合用药时应考虑它们的药动学相互作用问题,应避免只根据体外药效学协同作用进行盲目配伍和联合用药,从而保证充分发挥各药物的原有药效和协同作用的目的。

关 键 词:伊维菌素  三氯苯达唑  联合用药  药动学相互作用  

Pharmacokinetic Interaction of Ivermectin and Triclabendazole Following Co-administration to Sheep
Affiliation:1、College of Veterinary Medicine, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University/Key Laboratory of Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Technology in Animal Disease, Ministry of Agriculture, Hohhot 010018; 2、Livestock Improvement Workstation of Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, Hohhot 010010
Abstract:【Objective】 The objective of this study is to illustrate the pharmacokinetic characteristics and interactions of ivermectin and triclabendazole in helminth infected sheep following co-administration. 【Method】 A total of 15 Ordos merino sheep in lactation period of 4 years old, average body weight of (39.3±3.2) kg, naturally infected with gastrointestinal helminth (EPG≥1500) were selected by using McMaster’s method. The testing sheep were randomly divided into 3 treatment groups of 5 sheep in each group. The sheep in groupⅠ were subcutaneously injected with IVM alone (0.2 mg•kg-1), that in groupⅡ were orally administered with TCBZ alone (15 mg•kg-1), and that in groupⅢ were combined administrated with TCBZ (15 mg•kg-1 po.) and IVM (0.2 mg•kg-1, sc.). 5 mL of blood samples were collected from the jugular vein from 0.75, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 36, 48, 72, 120, 192 and 336 h after administration, and the concentrations of IVM, TCBZ and TCBZSO in each sample were detected by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorescence detection and UV detection, respectively. Chromatographic conditions: a reversed-phase C18 column, InertsilODS-SP (5 µm, 4.6×150 mm, I.D.); mobile phase of V (methanol and acetonitrile)﹕V (water) =95﹕5; excitation wavelength of 364 nm, emission wavelength is 470 nm; the flow rate was 1.0 mL•min-1; column temperature was at room temperature; the injection volume was 20 µL. The pharmacokinetic characteristics were calculated by Phoenix WinNonlin using non-compartmental analysis (NCA) model. 【Result】The results showed that the chromatographic peaks of IVM and internal standard AVM were well separated with retention time of 8.73 min and 6.16 min, which were not influenced by the other interfering peaks of plasma. The retention time of TCBZ, TCBZSO and internal standard of mebendazole were 10.04 min, 5.53 min and 3.42 min, respectively, and well seperated with no interfering peaks. Therefore, the methods established in this study are feasible to detect different targets in testing samples. For IVM, peak plasma concentration (Cmax) and area under the concentration time curve (AUC) were decreased significantly, however, the apparent volume of distribution (Vd), elimination half-life (T1/2ke) and body clearance (CLb) were increased significantly following combined administration of IVM and TCBZ. For TCBZSO, Vd, mean residence time (MRT) and Tmax were significantly increased, however, T1/2ke was significantly decreased in co-administration group. 【Conclusion】In conclusion, the ivermectin and triclabendazole was pharmacokinetically interacted each other following combined use in helminth infected sheep and sufficient attention should be paid to co-administration of them in clinical practices. In order to ensure the full play of the original drug efficacy and synergistic action, the blind compatibility and combination of drugs only based on the in vitro pharmacodynamic synergism should be avoided.
Keywords:ivermectin    triclabendazole    co-administration    pharmacokinetic interaction
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