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引用本文:厉广辉,张昆,刘风珍,刘丹丹,万勇善. 不同抗旱性花生品种的叶片形态及生理特性[J]. 中国农业科学, 2014, 47(4): 644-654. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.004
作者姓名:厉广辉  张昆  刘风珍  刘丹丹  万勇善
摘    要:【目的】筛选叶片抗旱相关性状,探索性状指标大小的评价方法,揭示不同抗旱性花生品种抗旱的叶片形态及生理机制。【方法】以12个花生品种为试验材料,在人工控水条件下,于苗期及结荚期给予干旱胁迫及正常灌水对照2个土壤水分处理,苗期处理以盆栽种植方式进行,称重法控水,结荚期处理在池栽条件下进行,测墒补灌法控水,控水期间以电动防雨棚遮雨。测定苗期干旱及正常供水对照的叶片组织结构、厚度、比叶重、叶面积、光合速率、叶绿素含量等叶片性状指标,对比分析上述叶片性状与花生品种抗旱性的关系,以性状指标大小评价不同花生品种抗旱的叶片机制,以生物量抗旱系数评价苗期抗旱性,以收获期产量抗旱系数评价结荚期抗旱性。【结果】通过2年的试验发现,干旱胁迫下,不同花生品种生物量抗旱系数及产量抗旱系数有显著差异,苗期与结荚期抗旱性基本一致。根据产量抗旱系数可将12个花生品种抗旱性分为强、中、弱3级,抗旱性强的品种为A596、山花11号、如皋西洋生,花育20号、农大818、海花1号、山花9号和79266为中度抗旱品种,抗旱性弱的品种有ICG6848、白沙1016、花17和蓬莱一窝猴。干旱胁迫改变了叶片组织结构,降低了单株叶面积、功能叶面积、气孔导度、光合速率和蒸腾速率,增加了比叶重。不同抗旱性花生品种叶片性状有显著差异,抗旱性强的品种在对照及干旱胁迫下均具有较高的叶片厚度、栅/海比、比叶重、单株叶面积、光合速率。干旱胁迫下,较大的叶片栅/海比值、比叶重和光合速率是如皋西洋生和山花11号抗旱的叶片机制;山花9号与花育20号较大的单株光合面积,A596较大的光合速率是它们重要的抗旱机制。相关分析表明,干旱胁迫下的叶片栅/海比、比叶重、单株叶面积和光合速率与品种抗旱系数的相关性达极显著水平。【结论】山花11号和79266分别可作为花生强、弱抗旱性鉴定的标准品种。花生出苗后10 d进行40%土壤相对含水量的干旱处理,持续胁迫14 d时的叶片栅/海比、单株叶面积、比叶重和光合速率可鉴定花生种质的叶片抗旱能力。正常灌水条件下,始花期的栅/海比、单株叶面积、比叶重也能反映花生叶片的抗旱级别。山花11号可作为花生叶片优异抗旱性状鉴定的标准品种。

关 键 词:花生  干旱胁迫  形态指标  光合特性  

Morphological and Physiological Traits of Leaf in Different Drought Resistant Peanut Cultivars
LI Guang-Hui,ZHANG Kun,LIU Feng-Zhen,LIU Dan-Dan,WAN Yong-Shan. Morphological and Physiological Traits of Leaf in Different Drought Resistant Peanut Cultivars[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2014, 47(4): 644-654. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2014.04.004
Authors:LI Guang-Hui  ZHANG Kun  LIU Feng-Zhen  LIU Dan-Dan  WAN Yong-Shan
Affiliation:College of Agronomy, Shandong Agricultural University/National Key Laboratory of Crop Biology, Tai’an 271018, Shandong
Abstract:【Objective】The main purpose of this paper was to screen leaf traits related to drought resistance, explore the methods of traits index evaluation, and to reveal drought resistance mechanisms of different peanut cultivars. 【Method】 The drought resistance was studied in twelve peanut cultivars under drought stress and normal irrigation in a pot experiment at seedling stage and a pool culture experiment at pod setting stage. Keeping the water treatments by using weighing at seedling stage and supplemental irrigation based on testing soil moisture at pod setting stage with rain-shedding during drought stress. Leaf morphological and physiological traits including organization structure, thickness, specific leaf weight (SLW), leaf area per plant (PLA), photosynthetic rate (Pn), chlorophyll content under the conditions of normal water supply and drought stress at seedling stage were tested, and the relationship between those traits and drought resistance was studied. Drought resistances of cultivars were scored with drought coefficient of biomass at seedling stage and yield at pod setting stage. Drought resistance mechanisms of leaf were evaluated by traits index. 【Result】 The results by two years experiments showed that, under drought stress, the drought resistance coefficients of different peanut cultivars were significantly different. Drought resistance at seedling and pod-setting stages was basically identical. According to yield-drought resistance coefficient, twelve peanut cultivars could be divided into 3 grads: high-resistance, including A596, Shanhua 11 and Rugaoxiyangsheng; mid-resistance, including Huayu 20, Nongda 818, Haihua 1, Shanhua 9 and 79266; weak-resistance, including ICG6848, Baisha1016, Hua17 and Penglaiyiwohou. Water stress changed organization structure in leaves, functional leaf area, PLA, Gs, Pn and Tr were reduced, but SLW of peanuts was increased under soil drought stress. A significant difference in leaf traits among peanut cultivars with different drought resistances was observed. Leaf thickness, ratio of palisade tissue to spongy tissue (PTT/STT), SLW, PLA and Pn were higher under both drought stress and normal irrigation in cultivars with high drought resistance. The drought resistance mechanism of twelve peanut cultivars was different, under drought stress, Rugaoxiyangsheng and Shanhua 11 presented as higher PTT/STT, SLW and Pn, Shanhua 9 and Huayu 20 had larger PLA, A596 was mainly higher in Pn. Correlation analysis between drought resistance coefficient and leaf PTT/STT, SLW, PLA and Pn under drought stress condition was significant. 【Conclusion】 Shanhua11 could be used as a standard variety for high drought resistance identification, and 79266 could be used as a standard variety for weak resistance identification. Treatment of 40% RWC drought stress at 10 d after germination, the leaf PTT/STT, SLW, PLA and Pn could be used to identify the drought resistance of peanuts leaf. PTT/STT, SLW and PLA also could be used to identify the drought resistance of peanuts leaf under normal water condition at anthesis stage. Shanhua 11 could be used as a suitable standard cultivar for leaf drought resistance traits identification in peanut.
Keywords:peanut    drought stress    morphological traits    photosynthetic traits
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