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引用本文:梁光红,林毓银. 黄甜竹基夜蛾生物学特性及其防治[J]. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 2003, 32(1): 36-40
作者姓名:梁光红  林毓银
摘    要:基夜蛾Kumasiakumaso(Sugi)是近年来福建笋用林产区出现的一种危害黄甜竹(Acidosasaedulis)的新害虫,在福建每年发生1代,部分卵在竹林残留笋箨中越冬,3月中旬开始孵化.幼虫共5龄,历期25-35d,主要以3-5龄幼虫为害,蛹期17-25d.5月中、下旬为成虫羽化高峰期,此时成虫有较强的负趋光性.成虫于夜间交尾,交尾后每雌产卵5-58粒.成虫平均寿命为5.8d,雌雄性比约为1.34∶1.在低龄幼虫阶段喷施氯氰菊酯或甲氰菊酯1∶800倍液,防治效果可分别达到92.09%和76.81%;在出笋时喷撒少量林丹粉可防治母笋上的害虫;采用灯光诱杀和人工捕杀,也可有效防治基夜蛾.

关 键 词:黄甜竹  基夜蛾  生物学特性

Study on the biological characteristics and control of Kumasia kumaso (Sugi) on Acidosasa edulis
Abstract:Kumasia kumaso (Sugi) is one of the most important new pests of Acidosasa edulis recently appeared in the forestry production districts of Fujian Province. There is only one generation in a year, overwintering with eggs in bamboo forest. The larva hatch in early March and usually feed on the tender shoots. There are five instars ordinarily in the larval lasting for 25-35 days, and it mainly damages the bamboo shoots during 3-5 instars. The pupa stage lasts for about 17-25 days. A female adult lays 5-58 eggs after 1-2 days of mating. The average lifespan of K. kumaso (Sugi) is about 5.8 days, and the ratio of male adults to female adults amounts to 1.34∶1. The control methods of the pest are as follows, which are effective against this pest during the stage of bamboo shoot of A. edulis: spraying frenpropathrin or cypermethrin E. C (1∶800) with the average control effect amounting to 92.09%, 76.81% respectively; spraying lindane powder during the early stage of bamboo shoot′s growing; trapping and attracting with morth killing lamps the adults of K. kumaso  (Sugi) .
Keywords:Acidosasa edulis  Kumasia kumaso (Sugi)  biological characteristic
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