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Evaluating the Impact of Irrigation and Drainage Policies on Agricultural Sustainability
Authors:Dennis Wichelns  David Cone  Garrick Stuhr
Affiliation:(1) Department of Resource Economics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, sRI, 02881, USA;(2) Broadview Water District, Firebaugh, CA 93622, USA
Abstract:Farmers in the Broadview Water District in central Californiahave been improving irrigation practices in response to risingirrigation water prices and reductions in water supply since1989, when incentive policies were first implemented to reducethe volume of subsurface drain water generated in theDistrict. The average salinity of water deliveries hasincreased, over time, as the District has recycled largeamounts of drainage water to achieve regional restrictions ondrainage water discharge. We review irrigation and drainageactivities in Broadview since 1986 with an emphasis on thesustainability of crop production when drainage discharge islimited. Average cotton yields in Broadview have declined inrecent years, both nominally and in comparison with averageyields reported for the large county in which Broadview islocated. Average tomato yields in Broadview have increased inrecent years, but county-wide yields have exceeded Broadviewyields with greater frequency than in the late 1980s. Theseobservations suggest that average crop yields in Broadview maybe starting to reflect the increasing salinity of soil andwater resources, which may be due in part to persistentrestrictions on drainage water discharge.
Keywords:drainage  economics  irrigation  salinity  sustainability  water policy
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