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Increasing and Sustaining Productivity of Tropical Eucalypt Plantations Over Multiple Rotations

Eucalypt plantations in India are an important source of fiber for paper making and fuel for local villagers. Large areas of land have supported eucalypt plantations for several rotations, and productivity has generally been declining through successive rotations. In 1997, we initiated a project to examine site management options as a way to improve the productivity of these sites. We established a large experimental infrastructure at each of four sites in Kerala, consisting of up to five separate fully randomized block experiments at each site, examining interrotation management options (organic matter manipulation, N and P fertilizer input, legume cover cropping, weed control). Two of the sites were typical lowland plantations with Eucalytus tereticornis, and the other two sites were typical upland plantations with Eucalytus grandis. Following treatments, we monitored plantation productivity and impacts on soil and nutrient cycling for one full rotation (6.5 years). We found it is possible to increase the volume growth of E. grandis by up to 48%, and E. tereticornis by up to 268% through a combination of optimum site practices (mostly weed control and nutrient addition), but productivity responses are dependent on site-specific factors. Key outcomes of this research are presented, with special reference to application in the broader context of tropical eucalypt plantations.
Keywords:Eucalypt plantations  organic matter  harvest residues  biomass  soil carbon  Eucalyptus grandis  Eucalyptus tereticornis
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