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Comparison of Forest Biomass Across a Human-Induced Disturbance Gradient in Nepal's Schima-CastanopsisForests

This paper presents estimations of aboveground tree biomass (combined for boles and branches) in Nepal's Schima-Castanopsisdominated warm-temperate forests. The biomass estimations are presented for five forest stands purposively sampled in a larger study to represent different harvesting intensities. Two categories of biomass estimates are provided: (1) for living trees that are standing, and (2) for cut trees that have been removed. Biomass of standing trees were estimated by using diameter at breast height (dbh) and total height measurements as predictor variables in appropriate regression models. Biomass of cut trees were estimated in two steps: measurements of stump diameters and heights were used first to predict dbh and total heights of cut trees; these values were then regressed to obtain biomass estimates for the missing trees. Data were gathered from 2,361 live trees and 2,962 stumps in 170 sample plots across the five forest stands. Estimates of mean standing-alive biomass ranged from a minimum of 16 ton/ha in the severely disturbed forest to a maximum of 479 ton/ha in a relatively undisturbed (reference) forest. Estimates of mean cut biomass ranged from a minimum of 24 ton/ha in a second reference forest to a maximum of 183 ton/ha in the severely disturbed forest. The biomass estimates in the relatively-undisturbed, reference forests are well above the 95% upper confidence interval of the global mean. Similar findings of high productivity have been reported for temperate forests of the Central Himalaya in India and Eastern Himalaya in Sik-kim. The findings of this study in the Nepalese Central Himalaya support the conclusion that productivity potential is high in the temperate Himalayan forests. The study's findings and methodology should be useful for preliminary development of guidelines in the region to regulate forest biomass growth, yield, and harvest.
Keywords:Biomass estimation  forest disturbance  Himalayan forests  degraded forests  stump dimensions  tresspass cutting  sacred forests  regression mode  temperate forests
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