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引用本文:陈家骅. 黄守瓜的生物学及防治研究[J]. 福建农林大学学报(自然科学版), 1980, 0(1)
摘    要:黄守瓜Aulacophora femoralis chinensis Weise,是瓜类的主要害虫,福建各地发生甚为普遍。在福州地区一年发生两代,于11月下旬以成虫在向阳、避风场所匿伏越冬,翌年4月中下旬为活动盛期。成虫4、5月为害瓜类幼株,幼虫6、7月为害瓜类根部,均甚严重。成虫在中午前后最为活动,它嗜食幼嫩组织。幼虫仅食瓜类,向土壤灌水能驱使向表土上移。防治成虫,喷用敌百虫乳剂1000倍液、E605 3000倍液、乐果2000倍液、砒酸铅200倍液、雷公藤根皮20倍浸出液及80筛度的根皮粉,防治效果达85.7—100%。防治幼虫,可用E605加乐果混合液3000倍、敌百虫1000倍液、鱼藤精1000倍液、烟叶30倍浸出液淋浇根部土壤,防治效果可达79.7—100%。

Abstract:Cucumber beetle; Aulacophora fernoralis chinensis Weise is a serious pest of the cucurbits in most places of Fujian province. In Fuzhou, this insect propagates two generations a year. From late November, the adult beetles overwiuter in shelter, mostly in leeward and sunny sites. They appear most abundantly in April and May and cause great damage to the seedlings of the cueurbits. They are very active before and after noon time and feed on tender parts of the host plants. The larvae injure the roots of the host plants very seriously in June and July. They tend to move toward the ground surface while the soil is soaked with water. To control the adult beetles, spraying with Dipterex emulsion (1 to 1000 parts of water), E605 (1 to 3000 parts of water), Rogor (1 to 3000 parts of water), lead arsenate (1 to 200 parts of water), or Thunder-God-Vine water extract (1 to 20 parts of water), or dusting with Thunder God-Vine root dust sieved through 80 meshes all give good results. The fatality ranges from 85.7% to 100%. To control the larvae, irrigating the soil around the roots of host plants with E605 and Rogor (1 and 1 to 3000 parts of water), E605 (1 to 3000 parts of water), Dipterex (1 to 1000 parts of water), Rotenone (1 to 1000 parts of water), or tobacco leaf water extract (1 to 30 parts of water) all give satisfactory results with fatality ranging from 79.8% to 100%.
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