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A newly devised electric field screen for avoidance and capture of cigarette beetles and vinegar flies
Authors:Yoshinori MatsudaTeruo Nonomura  Koji KakutaniYoshihiro Takikawa  Junji KimbaraYoshihiro Kasaishi  Kazumi OsamuraShin-ichi Kusakari  Hideyoshi Toyoda
Affiliation:a Laboratory of Plant Protection and Biotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kinki University, Nara 631-8505, Japan
b Pharmaceutical Research and Technology Institute, Kinki University, 3-4-1 Kowakae, Higashi-Osaka, Osaka 577-8502, Japan
c Plant Center, Institute of Advanced Technology, Kinki University, Wakayama 644-0025, Japan
d Research Institute, Kagome Company, Tochigi 329-2762, Japan
e Leaf Tobacco Research Center, Japan Tobacco Inc., Tochigi 323-0808, Japan
f Research and Development Division, Navec Inc., Aichi 486-8624, Japan
g Agricultural, Food and Environmental Sciences Research Center of Osaka Prefecture, Osaka 583-0862, Japan
Abstract:A bifunctional electric field screen was proposed to physically exclude insect pests from warehouses. The screen consists of insulated iron wires (ICW) arranged in parallel and two earthed conductor nets placed on both sides of the ICW. A negative charge (0.1-8.0 kV) was applied to the insulated wires with a voltage generator to polarize an insulator sleeve used to cover the wire, negatively on the outer surface and positively on the inner conductor wire surface of the sleeve. The negative surface charge of the ICW caused an electrostatic induction in the earthed nets and an opposite charge on the net surfaces facing the ICW. An electric field formed in a space between the ICW and the earthed net, and the field strength increased in direct proportion to increasing voltages applied to the ICW. Adults of the test insects (cigarette beetle (Lasioderma serricorne) and vinegar fly (Drosophila melanogaster)) reaching the outer surface of the earthed net were deterred from entering the inside of the charged screen, whereas all insects immediately passed through the screen when the ICW was not charged. This avoidance was directly proportional to the increase in the voltage. In addition, the capability of the screen to capture insects that enter inside the screen was proven by introducing insects into the space between the ICW and the earthed net. Strong capture was observed when the ICW was negatively charged with more than 4.1 kV, under which conditions a short-term electric current (peaking at 0.3-0.6 μA, for 3 min) occurred transiently. This electric current was due to the release of electricity from the insects, giving a net overall positive charge to the insects, which therefore were attracted more strongly to the negatively charged ICW. A test using an attractant-set chamber showed that the insects were completely prevented from passing through the charged screen, in contrast to a rapid transfer of all insects when the screen was not charged. Thus, the present results show that the described screen is a promising physical tool for controlling insect pests in warehouses.
Keywords:Electric field screen   Cigarette beetles   Vinegar flies   Pest management
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