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引用本文:孙笑梅,闫军营,程道全. 河南省耕地土壤酸碱度状况与酸化土壤治理途径[J]. 中国农学通报, 2017, 33(24): 91-94
作者姓名:孙笑梅  闫军营  程道全
基金项目:农业部测土配方施肥项目(2005—2014);国家科技支撑计划(粮食丰产科技工程项目)“粮食作物大面积均衡增产技术集成与示范” (2012BAD04B00,2013BAD07b07)。
摘    要:土壤酸化在北方已开始成为农作物生长的限制因素。笔者通过田间土壤样品分析汇总,全面阐述了河南省耕地土壤酸碱度状况。借助田间调查、试验示范,研究推广了酸化土壤修复措施。结果表明:作为中国中东部河南省,土壤酸化已初现端倪。增施碱性土壤调理剂、石灰、钙镁磷肥等碱性肥料,严重酸化土壤当季作物增产幅度达120%以上。同时,结合河南省农业资源状况与存在问题,初步总结出建立包括土壤pH值为指标测土配方施肥技术体系、扩大秸秆还田面积、合理利用畜禽粪便、深翻土地加厚耕层等调节土壤酸度、遏制土壤酸化的可行性途径。

关 键 词:土壤  酸碱度  酸化  治理

Arable Land Soil pH Situation and Acidic Soil Regulation Approaches in Henan
Abstract:Soil acidification has become a limiting factor for crop growth in north China. In this paper, soil acidity of cultivated land in Henan Province was comprehensively expounded by analyzing field soil samples. The remediation measures of acidified soils were researched and promoted by means of field investigations and experimental demonstration. The results showed that soil acidification began to emerge in Henan. Adding alkaline soil conditioner, lime, calcium magnesium phosphate and alkaline fertilizer could make seasonal crop yield in severely acidified soil increase by more than 120%. At the same time, combining with agricultural resources in Henan Province, the authors summarized soil acidification regulation approaches, including an establishing soil testing and formulated fertilization system with pH value as the index, expanding strawreturning to field, reasonably using livestock manure, deepening tillage to increase the depth of topsoil and so forth.
Keywords:soil   pH value   acidification   regulation
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