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引用本文:郭建和,潘维波,毕海玲,孙英,王萍,邢相政. 栗苞蚜在日照的发生规律及防治试验[J]. 中国森林病虫, 2012, 31(1): 33-34
作者姓名:郭建和  潘维波  毕海玲  孙英  王萍  邢相政
作者单位:1. 日照市东港区林业局,山东日照,276800
2. 日照市东港区南湖镇林业站,山东日照,276817
3. 日照市东港区陈疃镇林业站,山东日照,276820
4. 日照市东港区三庄镇林业站,山东日照,276821
摘    要:栗苞蚜Moritziella castaneivora Miyazaki于2004年在日照首次发现。该虫1 a发生10~13代。对日本栗的各个品种危害都很严重,也危害中国板栗,但危害程度较轻,且仅局限在日本栗引种栽培区附近。选用10%吡虫啉可湿性粉剂、5%啶虫脒可湿性粉剂、1.8%阿维菌素乳油、15%哒螨灵乳油和25%三唑锡可湿性粉剂等5种常规药剂进行田间防治试验,结果表明吡虫啉防治效果最好,其次是啶虫脒、阿维菌素。专业杀蚜药剂的防治效果明显好于专业杀螨药剂。

关 键 词:栗苞蚜  日照  发生规律  防治试验

Occurrence regularity and control of Moritziella castaneivora Miyazaki
Affiliation:GUO Jianhe,et al.(Donggang Forestry Bureau of Rizhao,Shandong Province,Rizhao 276800,China)
Abstract:In Rizhao Moritziella castaneivora was first found in 2004.It has 10-13 generations a year and caused serious damage on Castanea crenata.It also attacked C.mollissima in C.crenata introduction cultural area,but the damage was slight.Imidacloprid 10% WP,acetamiprid 5% WP,abamectin 1.8% EC,pyridaben 15% EC and azocyclotin 25% WP were selected in the field control experiment against the pest.The result showed the control effect of Imidacloprid was the best and that of acetamiprid and abamectin was the next.The control effect of aphicide was better than that of acaricide.
Keywords:Moritziella castaneivora  Rizhao  occurrence regularity  control experiment
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