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Analysis of eight capsaicinoids in peppers and pepper-containing foods by high-performance liquid chromatography and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry
Authors:Kozukue Nobuyuki  Han Jae-Sook  Kozukue Etsuko  Lee Sin-Jung  Kim Joung-Ae  Lee Kap-Rang  Levin Carol E  Friedman Mendel
Affiliation:Department of Food Service Industry, Uiduck University, Gyongbuk 780-713, Korea.
Abstract:Diverse procedures have been reported for the isolation and analysis of secondary metabolites called capsaicinoids, pungent compounds in the fruit of the Capsicum (Solanaceae) plant. To further improve the usefulness of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), studies were carried out on the analysis of extracts containing up to eight of the following capsaicinoids: capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin-I, homocapsaicin-II, homodihydrocapsaicin-I, homodihydrocapsaicin-II, nonivamide, and nordihydrocapsaicin. HPLC was optimized by defining effects on retention times of (a) the composition of the mobile phase (acetonitrile/0.5% formic acid in H2O), (b) the length of the Inertsil column, and (c) the capacity values (k) of the column packing. Identification was based on retention times and mass spectra of individual peaks. Quantification was based on the UV response at 280 nm in HPLC and recoveries from spiked samples. The method (limit of detection of approximately 15-30 ng) was successfully used to quantify capsaicinoid levels of parts of the pepper fruit (pericarp, placenta, seeds, and in the top, middle, and base parts of whole peppers) in 17 species of peppers and in 23 pepper-containing foods. The results demonstrate the usefulness of the method for the analysis of capsaicinoids ranging from approximately 0.5 to 3600 microg of capsaicin equiv/g of product. The water content of 12 fresh peppers ranged from 80.8 to 92.7%. The described freeze-drying, extraction, and analysis methods should be useful for assessing the distribution of capsaicinoids in the foods and in defining the roles of these biologically active compounds in the plant, the diet, and medicine.
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