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Comparing biophysical forest characteristics estimated from photogrammetric matching of aerial images and airborne laser scanning data
Authors:Terje Gobakken  Ole Martin Bollandsås  Erik Næsset
Affiliation:1. Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, PO Box 5003, NO-1432 ?s, NorwayTerje.Gobakken@nmbu.no;3. Department of Ecology and Natural Resource Management, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, PO Box 5003, NO-1432 ?s, Norway
Abstract:Recent development in aerial digital cameras and software facilitate the photogrammetric point cloud as a new data source in forest management planning. A total of 151 field training plots were distributed systematically within three predefined strata in a 852.6 ha study area located in the boreal forest in southeastern Norway. Stratum-specific regression models were fitted for six studied biophysical forest characteristics. The explanatory variables were various canopy height and canopy density metrics derived by means of photogrammetric matching of aerial images and small-footprint laser scanning. The ground sampling distance was 17 cm for the images and the airborne laser scanning (ALS) pulse density was 7.4 points m–2. Resampled images were assessed to mimic acquisitions at higher flying altitudes. The digital terrain model derived from the ALS data was used to represent the ground surface. The results were evaluated using 63 independent test stands. When estimating height in young forest and mature forest on poor sites, the root mean square error (RMSE) values were slightly better using data from image matching compared to ALS. However, for all other combinations of biophysical forest characteristics and strata, better results were obtained using ALS data. In general, the best results were found using the highest image resolution.
Keywords:airborne laser scanning  digital aerial images  forest inventory  image matching  photogrammetry
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