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引用本文:倪露,白由路,杨俐苹,卢艳丽,王磊,周丽平. 不同组分脲甲醛缓释肥的夏玉米肥料效应研究[J]. 中国农业科学, 2016, 49(17): 3370-3379. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.17.011
作者姓名:倪露  白由路  杨俐苹  卢艳丽  王磊  周丽平
摘    要:【目的】探究不同组分的脲甲醛缓释肥在夏玉米上的肥料效应,为制备夏玉米一次性施用的专用肥料提供理论依据,从而简化施肥步骤,节省施肥成本,提高肥料效益,减少养分损失,保护生态环境。【方法】试验以夏玉米品种郑单958为供试材料,连续2年在大田条件下,设置3种组分脲甲醛缓释肥处理(UF1、UF2、UF3)、常规施肥处理(CF)和不施肥处理(CK),研究不同组分脲甲醛对夏玉米产量、氮肥利用率、地上部氮素积累量、土壤无机态氮含量的影响。【结果】不同组分的脲甲醛肥效不同,UF1、UF2、UF3脲甲醛缓释肥均能够提高夏玉米产量及氮肥利用率,尤其以UF2效果最佳,与常规施肥处理相比,UF2处理2年平均增产7.63%,氮肥利用率提高16.43个百分点;UF1效果次之,平均增产6.53%,氮肥利用率提高12.30个百分点;UF3平均增产4.98%,氮肥利用率提高0.82个百分点。不同组分脲甲醛缓释肥其氮素释放速率也不同,与常规施肥相比,脲甲醛缓释肥处理在玉米苗期0—20 cm土层无机氮含量均较高,其中以UF2处理最高,达80.09 mg·kg~(-1);UF1次之,含量为66.47 mg·kg~(-1),UF3处理最低,为51.18 mg·kg~(-1)。大喇叭口期常规施肥处理追施60%尿素,土壤的无机态氮含量有一定地提高,灌浆期含量为27.46 mg·kg~(-1)。20—40 cm土层中,UF1、UF2在大喇叭口期到灌浆期土壤无机态氮含量较稳定,灌浆期后含量下降,其中UF1处理收获期含量低至13.40 mg·kg~(-1),比CF处理低1.05 mg·kg~(-1)。UF2处理收获期土壤无机态氮含量为14.13 mg·kg~(-1),较CF处理降低0.32 mg·kg~(-1)。而UF3收获期土壤无机态氮含量略高于其他处理,较CF高出1.51 mg·kg~(-1)。因此,一次性施用的脲甲醛缓释肥处理均可满足玉米整个生育期的养分需求。【结论】在不同组分脲甲醛缓释肥中,UF2处理获得了相对较高的产量和氮肥利用率,可作为华北平原北部中低产土壤的玉米专用缓释肥。

关 键 词:脲甲醛缓释肥  夏玉米  产量  氮肥利用率  土壤无机氮

The Effect of Urea-Formaldehyde Fertilizer Under Different Components by Summer Maize
NI Lu,BAI You-lu,YANG Li-ping,LU Yan-li,WANG Lei,ZHOU Li-ping. The Effect of Urea-Formaldehyde Fertilizer Under Different Components by Summer Maize[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2016, 49(17): 3370-3379. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2016.17.011
Authors:NI Lu  BAI You-lu  YANG Li-ping  LU Yan-li  WANG Lei  ZHOU Li-ping
Affiliation:Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/ Key Laboratory of Crop Nutrition and Fertilization, Ministry of Agriculture, Beijing 100081
Abstract:【Objective】This experiment was carried out to study the effect of urea-formaldehyde fertilizer with different components on summer maize and to provide a theoretical basis for one time fertilization in summer maize, thus simplifying fertilization steps, saving fertilization cost, increasing fertilizer efficiency, reducing loss of nutrients and achieving environmental protection.【Method】Maize variety "zhengdan958" was used as materials in a field experiment. Under field conditions in two consecutive years, three urea-formaldehyde fertilizer treatments (UF1, UF2 and UF3), conventional fertilization (CF) and no fertilization (CK) were designed. Research mainly focused on the influence of different urea-formaldehyde treatments on yield of summer maize, nitrogen use efficiency, accumulation amount of above-ground portion nitrogen and content of inorganic nitrogen in soil.【Result】Results of the experiment showed that urea-formaldehyde of different components had different fertilizer efficiency. All slow release fertilizers of UF1, UF2 and UF3 could increase yield of summer maize and nitrogen use efficiency, among which UF2 was the best. Compared with conventional fertilization, UF2 had increased yield of summer maize by 7.63% and nitrogen use efficiency by 16.43 percentage points. UF3 increased yield by 4.98% and nitrogen use efficiency by 0.82 percentage points. In terms of effect, UF1 was only next to it. By using it, the average yield increase of summer maize was 6.53% and nitrogen use efficiency was improved by 12.30 percentage points. In addition, urea-formaldehyde with different components showed different releasing rates. Compared with conventional fertilization, use of urea-formaldehyde fertilizer could keep relatively high content of inorganic nitrogen in 0-20cm soil layer. And for UF2, the content was the highest, which was up to 80.09 mg·kg-1. UF1 took the second place which was up to 66.47 mg·kg-1 and UF3 had the lowest content of 51.18 mg·kg-1. The inorganic nitrogen content of conventional fertilization increased because of topdressing urea at bell-mouthing stage, which was up to 27.46 mg·kg-1 in filling period. In 20-40 cm soil layer, the inorganic nitrogen contents of UF1 and UF2 were stable between bell-mouthing stage and filling stage and decreased after filling stage. The inorganic nitrogen content of UF1 was as low as 13.40 mg·kg-1and lower than conventional fertilization by 1.05 mg·kg-1 in harvesting period. The inorganic nitrogen content of UF2 was 14.13 mg·kg-1, which was lower than conventional fertilization by 0.32 mg·kg-1 in harvesting period. But the inorganic nitrogen content of UF3 was slightly higher than other treatments and higher than conventional fertilization by 1.51 mg·kg-1 during the harvest period. Therefore the one-time urea-formaldehyde fertilization met the demand for nutrients during the whole maize growth period.【Conclusion】Relatively higher output and nitrogen use efficiency were obtained from UF2 treatment among different urea-formaldehyde fertilizers. It was conclude that this fertilizer application method can be served as the special slow release fertilizer in the north of North China Plain where low and medium productive soil dominates the land.
Keywords:urea-formaldehyde fertilizer  summer maize  yield  nitrogen use efficiency  soil inorganic nitrogen content
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