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引用本文:张艾英,郭二虎,刁现民,范惠萍,李瑜辉,王丽霞,郭红亮,程丽萍,吴引生. 2005—2015年西北春谷中晚熟区谷子育成品种评价[J]. 中国农业科学, 2017, 50(23): 4486-4495. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.23.003
作者姓名:张艾英  郭二虎  刁现民  范惠萍  李瑜辉  王丽霞  郭红亮  程丽萍  吴引生
摘    要:【目的】对11年来西北春谷中晚熟区育成的谷子品种产量、农艺性状、抗逆性及品质性状综合分析,为西北春谷中晚熟区谷子新品种选育、推广及资源利用提供理论参考。【方法】基于2005—2015年国家谷子品种区域试验西北春谷中晚熟区数据,对参试品种及通过鉴定品种的产量、主要农艺性状进行比较与分析。并对通过鉴定的30个品种抗逆性、品质进行分析。【结果】2005—2015年参试品种及通过鉴定品种的产量有逐年增加的趋势。参试品种和通过鉴定品种的农艺性状在年度间存在一定的变异,参试品种的株高、单穗重、穗粒重、出谷率有逐年增加的趋势,生育期有缩短的趋势;通过鉴定的30个品种和对照相比,生育期、株高有降低趋势,株高变幅为105—165 cm;穗长在17—27 cm,70%的品种分布在19—23 cm;单穗重变幅为15—25 g,80%品种为18—22 g;穗粒重为12—20 g;出谷率分布在74%—84%,80%的品种在75%—80%;千粒重变异范围较大,分布在2.5—3.4 g,有9个品种的千粒重超过对照,公顷穗数分布在33万—43万。对通过鉴定品种农艺性状与产量的相关分析表明,产量与单穗重、穗粒重和公顷穗数呈显著正相关,与生育期呈负相关。鉴定品种总体抗性有提高的趋势,其中抗倒性明显优于对照,红叶病和白发病为主要病害,谷锈病、谷瘟病、纹枯病、蛀茎率也有不同程度地发生。穗松紧度多为中等偏紧类型,熟相中等偏好为主。品质上,通过鉴定品种的米色全为黄色,优质米的粗蛋白、粗脂肪含量及胶稠度偏低,赖氨酸含量相对较高。鉴定品种中包括了糯质、高蛋白、高脂肪及粮草兼用、抗除草剂、优质米等多种类型,丰富了品种类型。【结论】西北春谷晚熟区谷子品种的选育取得了一定的进步,所育品种在数量、多样性、产量、品质等方面有了一定的提高,但没有取得大的突破。在育种方法上比较单一,多采取简单杂交、系选的方法,应根据育种目标要求,开展材料创新,融合回交、复交、理化诱变等多种方法,并结合分子育种新技术,提高育种水平。在育种目标上,重点培育品质优良、矮秆抗倒、生育期略短、适合机械化收获的品种,培育多种类型的抗除草剂品种,满足谷子规模化生产的需求。

关 键 词:春谷  中晚熟区  区域试验  农艺性状  相关分析

Evaluation of Foxtail Millet Cultivars Developed in the Middle and Late-Maturing Spring-Sowing Region in Northwest China in 2005-2015
ZHANG AiYing,GUO ErHu,DIAO XianMin,FAN HuiPing,LI YuHui,WANG LiXia,GUO HongLiang,CHENG LiPing,Wu YinSheng. Evaluation of Foxtail Millet Cultivars Developed in the Middle and Late-Maturing Spring-Sowing Region in Northwest China in 2005-2015[J]. Scientia Agricultura Sinica, 2017, 50(23): 4486-4495. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.2017.23.003
Authors:ZHANG AiYing  GUO ErHu  DIAO XianMin  FAN HuiPing  LI YuHui  WANG LiXia  GUO HongLiang  CHENG LiPing  Wu YinSheng
Affiliation:1.Millet Research Institute, Shanxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Shanxi Key Laboratory of Genetic Resources and Breeding in Minor Crops, Changzhi 046011, Shanxi;2.Institute of Crop Science, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081
Abstract:【Objective】 The objective of this study is to analyze the changes of agronomic traits, grain yield, stress resistance and quality traits of newly developed foxtail millet cultivars in the middle and late-maturing spring-sowing region in northwest China in 2005-2015­, and provide scientific data for new cultivar development and genetic resource enhancement.【Method】 Based on the data of middle and late-maturing spring-sowing foxtail millet lines tested in the regional adaptation tests from 2005 to 2015 in northwest China, main agronomic traits and yield traits were analyzed and compared. Diseases resistances and quality traits of 30 foxtail millet cultivars released were further analyzed in this paper. 【Result】The grain yield potential of the newly developed foxtail millet cultivars in 2005-2015 showed a trend of increase from the data analyzed. Great difference of agronomic characteristics of tested lines and released cultivars among experimental years were identified, which implied that climate difference among years might have great impact on foxtail millet characters. The data showed a clear increasing trend in characteristics such as plant height, panicle weight, panicle grain weight and ratio of grain on a panicle of the newly developed cultivars, while the growth duration of those varieties became shorter than before. Coefficient correlation analyses of the agronomic traits indicated that grain yield of cultivars is positively correlated with panicle weight, grain weight per panicle and number of panicles per hectare and negatively related with the length of growth duration. The commonly occurred diseases in this foxtail millet growing region included leaf rust, blast, sheath blight, red leaf disease and downy-mildew in the past ten years and among which the latter two are the main ones. All the newly developed cultivars showed their increase in the abilities of diseases resistance. Most newly developed cultivars were characterized with yellow kernel, and the most adapted cultivars were usually characterized with a relatively lower content of crude protein and fatty acids, but a relatively higher lysine content. Different types of cultivars including waxy starch, high protein content, herbicide resistant were developed in the past ten years which provided firm foundation for foxtail millet industry in this region. 【Conclusion】The yield potential of newly developed foxtail millet cultivars in the middle and late maturing region of northwest China in the past 11 years was improved. Different types of cultivars were developed so as to meet foxtail millet industry in this region. The main method of foxtail millet breeding in this region is pedigree selection after hybridization between cultivars, which should be improved with other methods such as molecular marker assistant selection.
Keywords:spring foxtail millet  middle and late maturing region  regional adaptation test  agronomic characters  correlation analysis
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