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Identification of barley yellow mosaic virus by immuno-electron microscopy in barley but not in Polymyxa graminis or Lagena radicicola
Authors:Willem G. Langenberg  Derk Van Der Wal
Affiliation:(1) Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Nebraska, 68583 Lincoln, NE, USA;(2) Consulentschap voor de Gewasbescherming, 6700 HC Wageningen, the Netherlands
Abstract:Samenvatting Gerstegeelmozaïekvirus (BaYMV) werd in een perceel wintergerst (cv. Igri) gevonden by Wittem in Limburg, Nederland. Het virus werd met immuno-elektronen-microscopie geïdentificeerd in bladweefsel als BaYMV. In de wortels van geïnfecteerde planten werden alle vormen die van de schimmel-vector (Polymyxa graminis Led.) bekend zijn aangetroffen nl. cystosori, plasmodia en zoosporangia. Inwendig kon geen BaYMV worden aangetoond of waargenomen inPolymyxa ofLagena spp.Cooperative investigation of the ARS, USDA, the Nebraska Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Plant Protection Service, Wageningen. Research conducted under Project 21-12. Published as Paper No. 7787, Journal Series, Nebraska Agricultural experiment Station. Mention of a trademark or proprietary product does not constitute a guarantee or warranty by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and does not imply its approval to the exclusion of other products that may also be suitable.
Keywords:colloidal gold  labelling of BaYMV
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